The Shift4 Updates team

Updating Activate iOS Classic (POS) and KDS iOS

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

This email is to inform you that all versions of the Activate iOS Classic (POS) and KDS iOS applications MUST be updated by August 30, 2023, in order to comply with application security rules set by Apple. This date is determined by the expiration date of the certificate in our current versions. 

With the exception of the new certificate, each new build is exactly the same as the build in use today; the application was simply updated to replace its certificate. Each version number is updated to reflect the build change (another Apple requirement).

You can reference full instructions here:

If you do not update your device by this date, you will not be able to log on to the application, and there will be a breach of service.

If you have any questions, please contact support at or (877) 559-4225.

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