The Shift4 Updates team

Release Notes: Transactions API (TAPI) 2.2.0

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Target Release Date: 18 October 2022
Release Version: 2.2.0
Audience: Enterprise (Available on MTC and MTE)
Client Facing: Yes
Content: General API field and endpoint updates

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Feature updates:

  • Added original_order_ids[] array to the order object

    • The array provides information about a refunded order for the caller to link back to the original order(s)

    • Most of the time it will be a single order_id, a 1 to 1 relationship between the refund order and the original order

    • When there are multiple values, it is indicating 1 to many relationship, it is possible to have a Refund Order that is handling refunds for 2 different Orders

  • Added original_order_id to item object

    • Provides the caller a link from the refund order back to the original order

    • This is a single order_id, a 1 to 1 relationship between the refund order and the original order at the item level

Bug fixes:

  • Removed the TAPI reporting category requirement:

    • TAPI now matches Connect functionality

    • Orders are no longer be considered "incomplete" when the reporting category is missing

    • All orders will now appear in TAPI search results

    • Orders placed AFTER the fix will show up when using TAPI. TAPI and Connect will match. No change in using TAPI.

    • Orders placed BEFORE the fix, will need to use the retrieval_status of “incomplete” to pull “missing” orders.

  • Ensure Payment metadata is being returned by TAPI:

    • Ensure Payment metadata was previously being captured and then returned in TAPI

    • The fix affects only new orders going forward. Orders prior to the fix will not have payment metadata.

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