The Shift4 Updates team

Release Notes: SkyTab POS v1.102.2

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Released On: August 1st, 2024

Release Version: SkyTab POS v1.102.2

Release Type: General

SkyTab POS v1.102.2 was released as an Optional update today and will display as a Required Update on Tuesday, August 6th. Along with numerous bug fixes, this release provides support for printing validation chits for a number of drawer functions.  You can view the full release notes in this Knowledge Article.

New Features


  • Changing the assigned Revenue Center for a terminal in Lighthouse will now be updated immediately

  • Splitting payments from the Take Payments screen will now prevent users from creating $0.00 payments

  • Payments are now listed in the ticket payment summary by the time they were taken

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Fulfillment printers would print all ticket items instead of just the items from SkyTab KDS

  • Fixed an issue where cycling through users in Tip Adjust may not show all users

  • Fixed an issue where the “Add extra space to kitchen slip header” setting was ignored when using a USB printer

  • Fixed an issue where a pre-auth ticket would be created without an order type

  • Fixed an issue where the Tip Reduction value was not displayed on Payroll reports

  • Fixed an issue where a Special Request would print on the ticket when the setting was disabled

  • Fixed an issue where the Save button would be available in the Accounting section without any settings being changed

  • Fixed an issue where some of the items may not print on the fulfillment printer after a ticket has been split

  • Fixed an issue where the Undo button was causing tickets to be unlocked at other terminals

  • Fixed an issue where tickets could be left open with Dual Pricing when tendered in Cash

  • Fixed an issue where modifier sets would not display in the correct order

  • The Item printing status now matches the printing status shown on other screens, such as Order Entry and the Ticket Grid

  • Restored the ability to add the image to be shown in the item description in the POS

  • Added the ability to deselect a custom sort method and revert back to the default, system-wide sort method

  • Fixed an issue where item level surcharges were discounted when they had a non-discountable revenue class

  • We fixed an issue where SkyTab Mobile would use the default menu item price instead of the price configured in Dynamic Pricing

  • Fixed an issue where a partial refund could not be completed when the Advantage Program is configured to use Dual Pricing or Supplemental Fee

For assistance or inquiries, please contact Skytab POS Support at 888-276-2108 or visit for chat support

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