The Shift4 Updates team

Release Notes: Sales by Staff Reporting 10/11

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Released On: 10/11/2022

Audience: Retail

Client Facing: yes

Content: Improvements to Sales by Staff reporting

Feature Updates:

  • Removed unnecessary columns, reordered column titles, and renamed columns to:

    • Name

    • Orders 

    • No Sales

    • Gross Sales

    • Discounts

    • Cash Discounts

    • Refunds/Voids

    • Net Sales

    • Net Tips

  • Improved aggregation functions:

    • The start and end time is now based on the merchant’s timezone (not User/Current location time zone) 

    • All reporting columns are now sortable

    • New reporting fields that were added or adjusted:

      • Gross Sales

      • Total Discount

      • Total Cash Discount

      • Total Refunds/Voids (in $)

      • Net Sales

      • Tips (Paid tips after refund)

  • Improved the naming convention for the export of Sales by Staff report.  The file name will now be Sales_by_Staff_Report_StartDate_EndDate. In cases where either date is missing, the filename will use the date that it has. If both dates are missing the filename will be Sales_By_Staff_Report

  • Reformatted the labels on the Sales by Staff, Top Staff Members, and Gross Sales. The dollar amounts are now formatted with commas and when setting the date filter to more than 31 days the label format for the dates will be MMM-YYYY (i.e., Jun-2022)

  • Fixed the amount formatting in the tables.  The current value format is dollar amounts is $xxxxxx.xx.  This is reformatted as $xxx,xxx.xx for positive values and negative values would have parenthesis ($xxx,xxx.xx).  Orders will always be positive and in the format of x,xxx

  • Updated the merchant header on the report-related endpoint to allow report information currently only used in Sales By Staff to be included in other reports.

  • Updated the Sales Reporting Filter search to only initiate the search when the merchant is finished typing instead of on every keystroke

  • Added the ability to filter Sales and Refunds by the payment method of every transaction

  • Added the ability to sort by Cash Discounts on the Staff Sales History table

  • Added functionality to allow grouping by Staff to the Items Sales History dashboard

  • Changed the font color on the filter button

  • The export button will now be disabled when the table is empty

  • Improved the load time to 1 second for when a merchant tries to filter by Staff

  • Mobile performance updates:

    • We have fixed the padding on the view of Sales by Staff Page

    • We have updated the Date Range filter to fit the screen

    • Updated the header on the “Sales by Staff” screen from “Omnichannel Sales” to “Sales”

    • Removed the text and repositioned the icons on the “Export to CSV” and “Filters” buttons on the “Staff Sales History” screen to better fit the screen. 

    • Added horizontal scrolling to the tables

    • On mobile devices we have changed the column headers from blue to black

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