The Shift4 Updates team

Release Notes - Restaurant Reporting v1.12 - 9/20

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Released On: 9/20
Release Version: 1.12
Audience: Restaurant
Client Facing: Yes
Content: Bugfixes

  • Fixed an issue with expanding the table in Product Mix report

  • Fixed a display issue for paid in/paid out in Credit Cards Grouped by Type section of DSR

  • Fixed filtering in Employee Sales report when clicking on the pie chart sector

  • Fixed an issue with exporting some reports as csv or excel

  • Fixed an issue with displaying/hiding refunds in Product mix report

  • Fixed an issue with exporting Multi Cash Deposit report

  • Fixed and issue with sending order details via email

  • Fixed an issue with displaying data in printed version of Station Sales

  • Fixed data discrepancies between old and new version of CSR Cash Over / Short table

  • Fixed an issue printing Payroll Report with selected columns

  • Fixed an issue where selected columns were not saved in Discount Detail

  • Other minor bug fixes and UI improvements

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