The Shift4 Updates team

Release Notes: Reporting 23.14

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

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Released On: 20 July 2023

Release Version: CON_12.9.AA.23-S14

Release Type: General

Content: Scheduled Reporting Update

Feature updates:

  • More Analytics reports have had minor updates to make them more usable. The following reports have been updated:

    • Sales by Tax Name: Ensure accurate tax calculations or fulfill audit requirements by reviewing taxes collected.

      • New Connect UI

      • Added Tax Name summary

      • Added Percent Tax column

    • Tax Exempt: Audit tax-exempt orders and the reasons submitted by each user.

      • New Connect UI

    • Tips and Gratuity: Gain insights into tip distribution at your location and ensure employees are paid out correctly by leveraging details about tips and gratuities given by guests.

      • New Connect UI

    • All Orders: Review orders by type to audit details about a specific order.

      • New Connect UI

      • Added Order Type summary

      • Added Order Type column

      • Grouped orders by Vendor Name

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue causing item-level discounts from reporting incorrectly in Analytics reports.

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