The Shift4 Updates team
SkyTab Venue

Release Notes: RC 24.22 Canopy

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Release Date: 30 MAY 2024

Release Version(s): Menu Manager v2.30.1, Orders App v2.13.0, Loyalty App v1.17.0, Devices App v1.12.0, Canopy 1.0 v9.79.0

Release Type: Release Candidate

Content: Canopy product enhancements and various fixes.

Canopy 2.0


Features & Enhancements:

  • Custom Tenders - Revenue Center Selection

    • Enhanced the Custom Tender feature by allowing users to specify the Revenue Centers where the Custom Tender can be utilized.

    • Notes:

      • By default, existing Custom Tenders will be available at all Revenue Centers within the venue. You can configure a Custom Tender to be available only at specific Revenue Centers by deselecting options within the configuration drawer. The Custom Tender will then be available at all POS Menus for the selected Revenue Centers.

      • After making changes to an existing Custom Tender for the first time, the number of assigned Revenue Centers in the list of Custom Tenders will change from All to the number of Revenue Centers currently assigned.

  • Additional Revenue Center Settings

    • Users can now enable or disable the following settings in Revenue Centers, and these settings will apply to all supported Menus:

      • Enable Cash Tender

      • Enable Ticket Tender

      • Enable Gift Card Tender

  • Moved POS Accounts to Settings

    • Users with Menu Manager access now have the ability to create POS Accounts (PINs) by default.

      • New POS Accounts: Requires a minimum PIN length of 5 digits and a maximum of 6 digits.

      • Existing POS Accounts: Accounts that have PINs with fewer than 5 digits can remain as is, however, if the PIN on the account is edited in any way, the 5-6 digit requirements above will be enforced.

      • The blue Reset button will auto-generate a 5 digit PIN.

    • Notes:

      • Existing permissions to Access App will be revoked following the release (Date TBD). This is an effort to efficiently enhance Access App in the near future. Updates surrounding these features will be sent via LaunchNotes when available. POS Accounts in Settings should be used going forward for all customers.

      • As a reminder, POS Accounts created via Settings > POS Accounts can be used for any venue in the organization.

  • Merchant Validation Updates

    • Revenue Centers:

      1. Missing Merchant Identifiers will be displayed on Revenue Centers only when a mobile menu is present and the Merchant is missing.

      2. Revenue Center Merchants will be required only when a mobile menu is present.

    • Menus:

      1. Missing Merchant Identifiers will be displayed on POS and Kiosk menus only when a Merchant is missing.

      2. Menu Merchants will be required only when POS or Kiosk menus are present.

      3. Menu Merchants will not be displayed if a mobile menu is present.

    • Menu Merchants assigned to mobile menus will remain upon saving your changes.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where enabling tips for one Revenue Center would enable tips for all Revenue Centers.

  • Fixed an issue where users were forced to round up to the nearest tenth when bulk adjusting item prices.

  • Various UI enhancements.


Features & Enhancements:

  • Added several new QR Pay, Gift Card, and Ticket payment types to display as existing titles and icons.

  • Added Duplicate as an additional option in the refund reason dropdown.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where clicking the Complete Order button on supported orders would not successfully complete the order.

  • Note: Supported order states in which the "Complete Order" button is displayed are the following:

    • Processing, Bumped, Assigned, Completion Pending, and Settlement Failed


Bug Fixes:

  • Various enhancements to API requests.


Features & Enhancements:

  • When creating a new printer or updating an existing printer with an IP address that already exists, a warning will be presented

    • "The IP address you entered already exists. Please ensure the IP address is unique to avoid network conflicts."

    • Note: The printer will be saved. The warning message is for visibility in the event of network conflicts as a result of the duplicate IP address.

Canopy 1.0

Features & Enhancements:

  • The following settings have been removed from the menu-level to prevent confusion and/or misconfigurations:

    • Payments section

      • Allow cash payments on POS

      • Allow ticket payments on POS

      • Allow Gift Card payments on POS

      • QR Tender

    • Order Options section

      • Provide Tip Suggestions

  • Note: These settings are still available at the higher levels (Organization, Venue, and Stand)

For questions or assistance, contact VenueNext Support at (888) 276-2108 ext. 4444, email, or reach out to your Enterprise Account Manager.

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