The Shift4 Updates team
SkyTab Venue

Release Notes: Quick Service POS 2.39

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Planned Release Date: 10 September 2024

Release Version: 2.39.14-qs

Release Type: Release candidate

Content: Various enhancements and bug fixes

Feature Updates:

  • Tabs in an Authorization Failed state can now have their payment updated or be canceled from the POS

  • There is now a “Cash Collected” total in the device section of POS sales report 

  • If there is not a default tip suggestion configured, there will no longer be a value pre-selected on the tip screen and the user will be able to proceed without making a selection

  • When a seat location has been added to an order, it will now be displayed in the orders list “Tender/Name” column instead of the tab or cardholder name

  • Closed tabs that have not yet settled (in Completion Pending state) can now be voided from the POS 

  • $0 tabs can now be started with a payment authorization; the card will be authorized for $1 in this case

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where the user would sometimes be incorrectly navigated to a scan tender flow when selecting “Card” as the payment tender

  • Fixed an issue where orders would sometimes go into an authorization failed state if the VN backend service timed out

  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect refund approver was sometimes being reported on refunded orders

  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect order would sometimes be transitioned during a sync if there were multiple orders with the same invoice number on a device

  • Fixed an issue where the user was being redirected to the PIN screen following the Mastercard animation upon completion of an order

  • Fixed an issue where the unsynced order count would increase upon failure of a QR Pay order

  • Fixed an issue where orders were absorbing current promotions when syncing, even if the promotion was not applicable when the order was placed

  • Fixed an issue where item tiles were too large in Kiosk menus on some device models

  • Fixed an issue where the “X” button to remove a seat location from an order was not visible in the cart

  • Fixed an issue in the attendant sales report where the service charge total was not being properly adjusted following a void or refund

For questions or assistance, contact VenueNext Support at (888) 276-2108 ext. 4444, email, or reach out to your Enterprise Account Manager.

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