The Shift4 Updates team
SkyTab Venue

Release Notes: Quick Service POS 2.38.13-qs

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Planned Release Date: August 15, 2024

Release Version: QS POS 2.38.13-qs

Release Type: Release candidate

Content: New configuration options, attendant sales report, bug fixes

QS POS 2.38.13-qs

Feature Updates:

  • POS receipt delivery options:

    • The SMS (text) receipt option can now be enabled or disabled for a venue. It is disabled by default. When enabled, a “Text Receipt” button will appear on the receipt screen. 

    • The Email receipt option can now be enabled or disabled for a venue. It is enabled by default. When enabled, an “Email Receipt” button will appear on the receipt screen. 

      • To enable this option, go to Canopy 2.0 > Settings > Venue Settings > scroll to “Enable POS Email Receipts” > toggle to ON > Save. From the hamburger menu on the POS, tap “Sync Network Data” to get the new setting. Note that it can take up to 10 minutes for the change to reflect on devices. 

  • When tabs are enabled, you can now require a credit card to start a tab. This is disabled by default. If enabled, when starting a tab on the POS, the user will no longer see the “Add Payment Later” option. 

    • To enable this feature, go to Canopy 2.0 > Settings > Venue Settings > scroll to “Require Card Payment to Open Tab” > toggle to ON > Save. From the hamburger menu on the POS, tap “Sync Network Data” to get the new setting. Note that it can take up to 10 minutes for the change to reflect on devices. 

    • For additional information on enabling and using tabs, visit Quick Service Tabs User Guide

  • The requirement to enter a manager PIN to access the POS Configuration screen can now be enabled or disabled for a venue. It is enabled by default.

    • To disable this option, go to Canopy 2.0 > Settings > Venue Settings > scroll to “Require Manager PIN to configure POS” > toggle to OFF > Save. From the hamburger menu on the POS, tap “Sync Network Data” to get the new setting. Note that it can take up to 10 minutes for the change to reflect on devices. 

  • The device summary report has been updated with the following:

    • Now called “Sales Report”

    • The sales totals will now reflect the logged in attendant’s sales (across all devices and revenue centers) instead of the device sales

    • The count of open tabs for the attendant will now be displayed

    • The service charge total for the attendant will now be displayed

    • The date and time range of the report and the last updated time of the report will be displayed

    • The device summary section has been moved to the bottom of the report

    • Sales by tender totals have been removed

  • When tabs are enabled, the manual discount button will no longer be present in the cart. Instead, if there are discounts available for the current menu, the user will be prompted to apply a discount during the payment flow

  • Approved offline orders will now be updated to the correct state more reliably

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where the network status indicator was not always accurate

  • Fixed an issue where the yellow offline indicator bar in the menu would show a positive count of unsynced orders, even when there was nothing to sync

  • Fixed an issue where QR Pay orders were not always being refunded to the correct payment tenders

  • Fixed an issue where all applicable discounts were not being applied for a user with multiple affiliations on their account

  • Fixed an issue on Kiosk where the card reader was not being activated when selecting to retry after receiving an error on the first card attempt 

  • Fixed an issue on Kiosk where the order total was not always visible at the top of the tip screen

For questions or assistance, contact VenueNext Support at (888) 276-2108 ext. 4444, email, or reach out to your Enterprise Account Manager.

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