The Shift4 Updates team

Release Notes: KDSX 5.8.0

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Target Release Date: 21 October 2022
Release Version: KDSX_5.8.0
Audience: Enterprise
Client Facing: Yes
Content: KDSX usability improvements, Bug Fixes

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Activate X / Check Sync - 16.0.1
Interact X - 2.0.0

The primary purpose of this release is to align with the ActivateX and InteractX cadence.

Feature Enhancements:

  • General Network Improvements

    • In case of local network issues, Android KDS will now attempt to fetch orders again after 5 seconds (as opposed to the previous retry period of 30 seconds). This is so that orders can appear on the KDSX screen or print the chit faster.

  • UI/UX Optimization

    • The Management (Side) Menu now provides clearer navigation and improved layout:

      • The App Mode button (used to toggle from KDS to Activate X) is now displayed at the top of the Management Menu. This matches the placement in Activate X.

      • The printer button style now matches the other buttons in the Menu. It now appears at the bottom of the Management Menu.

Bug Fixes:

  • Date and Search Fields

    • Android KDS no longer displays the "Clearing Date and Search - OK" message when no search criteria has been entered. A search without any matches results in an empty screen.

  • Modifier Prices

    • Fixed a problem that showed incorrect modifier prices in KDS orders (for vendor and subvendor accounts).

  • Enhanced Logging Capabilities

    • Added additional logging to provide greater insight into order flow and application status in Android LOGCAT.

  • Check Number/Name

    • Corrected an issue that caused check name/number to disappear from all orders after opening order details screen.

Required Settings:

  • KDS Android requires the use of Check Sync to receive orders from ActivateX and InteractX.

  • To use KDSX, users also need to configure the Vendors (and Subvendors) in Connect.

    • Log into Connect.

    • Go to Vendors (Kitchen tab).

      • Set the KDS Mode to…

        • UOP

      • Set the Android KDS Mode to...

        • Standard Mode - for standard KDS functionality (screen and printers)

        • QSRA Proxy - to submit orders to QSR Automations KDS

        • Printer Proxy - to run a printer-only kitchen layout

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