The Shift4 Updates team

Release Notes: KDSX 5.12.2

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

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Released On: 8 September 2023
Release Version: KDSX_5.12.2
Audience: Client-Specific (OTG)
Content: Critical Bug Fixes (QSRA Proxy mode)

ActivateX - 16.5.0
InteractX - 2.5.3
Check Sync -

The primary purpose of this release is two urgent fixes for OTG.

Bug fixes:

  • We expanded the timeout logic in KDSX to allow more time when fetching orders from Connect.

    • Initial timeout (after every login and after every restart): 60s.

    • Subsequent timeouts (after main batch of orders is available in KDSX): 5s.

      • KDSX will still display an error message if Connect does not respond within these limits.

  • KDSX is now able to submit orders to QSRA (Android KDS Mode = QSRA Proxy) even if the order is missing some of its non-critical details.

Known limitations:

  • Order Types are not supported when running with Checks in Connect Mode.

    • If the location is setup to use order types and the accounts/roles are using Checks, the orders will not show on KDS.

    • When changing the order status on a Vendor KDS, the corresponding Subvendor KDS status is changed automatically.

  • When operating with the Filter Split/Combine Updates flag enabled, any items added to a split check in ActivateX will appear in separate cells/chits on KDSX.

  • OAPI orders fully refunded in Connect appear in KDSX (on the Completed tab) as Partially Refunded.

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