The Shift4 Updates team

Release Notes: KDSX 5.12.0

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

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Released On: 29 May 2023
Release Version: KDSX_5.12.0
Content: New feature: Reset Order Data, reliability, and error handling improvements

ActivateX: 16.5.0
Check Sync:
InteractX: 2.5.0
Connect: 12.4

The primary purpose of this release is to add a new support feature (Reset Order Data) and to provide reliability improvements.

Feature updates:

  • This release introduces a new error message. If KDSX receives invalid or malformed orders, the app will display this error message - Invalid orders detected | There are n orders that could not be processed.

    • When the user taps OK, the app will mark each bad order accordingly, record the issues in the log (order number, problem type/field) and continue to show/update as many orders as possible.

    • If users see this issue repeatedly, it is advices to perform a Reset Order Data (details below).

  • This version introduces a new feature to our Android apps (ActivateX, InteractX, KDSX, and Check Sync) - Reset Order Data.

    • This feature was developed to help support and implementation staff in restoring the operation of a location by immediately removing all orders from all of these apps. It is controlled by a new button on the Check Sync Server screen - Reset Order Data.

      • With this change, users do not need to logout/login on each app (or perform Clear Data, or perform Enterprise Resets, or stop/start Check Sync) to restore ordering capabilities.

    • Check Sync displays a confirmation message when the user taps the new Reset Order Data button:

    • When the user confirms the operation on the dialog box, Check Sync contacts all local apps to execute this new function (indicating the progress to the user on the screen with a spinner popup).

      • Each app will automatically submit Diagnostics logs to the FTP, perform the Order Reset and notify Check Sync of the results.

      • Check Sync then displays the result to the user (success or failure).

      • This operation has a default timeout of 10 minutes. In our tests clearing the data from all devices usually takes less than a minute.

    • IMPORTANT: This is a full-reset operation. Therefore it is only recommended for use in extreme cases - given that it cannot be undone. It is highly recommended only to perform this operation when all devices have no pending orders in the system (order fulfillment and/or payments).

  • This release also continues to improve KDSX stability - the app can now receive and display upwards of 4,000 orders without any impact to usability or reliability. This exceeds our target daily volume of up to 3,000 orders daily (for a single Kitchen).

Bug fixes:

  • Operating with Auto-Print, KDSX prints the Same Day Order Ahead chits when the order transitions from Upcoming to the Pending tab.

  • Print Logging now also covers Order Ahead events.

Known limitations:

  • Reset Order Data is not yet password protected.

  • Order Types are not supported when running with Checks in Connect Mode.

    • If the location is set up to use order types and the accounts/roles use Checks, the orders will not show on KDS.

  • When changing the order status on a Vendor KDS, the corresponding Subvendor KDS status is changed automatically.

  • When operating with the Filter Split/Combine Updates flag enabled, any items added to a split check in ActivateX will appear in separate cells/chits on KDSX.

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