The Shift4 Updates team

Release Notes: KDSX 5.10.0

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Need more information? Email or call (877) 559-4225. The Support team is available 24/7/365.

Target Release Date: 02/20/2023
Release Version: KDSX_5.10.0
Audience: Enterprise
Content: KDSX usability improvements, Bug Fixes

Compatibility (as of 17 Feb 2023):
Activate X - 16.2.1
Check Sync -
Interact X - 2.2.1
Connect - 12.0_HF3

The primary purpose of this release is to provide usability improvements, and bug fixes.

Feature updates:

  • This release includes significant improvements in the KDSX logs (tracking network issues, application errors, and configuration problems). It also includes multiple alerts via Embrace so our team can monitor the health of the product in production.

  • This version includes significant revision of our order flow logic, introduced in order to reduce memory usage, network traffic and resource consumption on the device.

Install/Reset Instructions:

  • While investigating production issues (network usage, order sync delays and stoppages) our team identified a gap in our processes - Enterprise Resets and Clear Data are not always clearing all the data from the local applications. This leads to the persistence of these issues after a reset.

  • This will be remedied in our next release. For now users must follow these steps when resetting a location with KDS Android...

    • Force stop each app (AX, IX, CS, & KDSX)

    • Clear Storage in every app

    • Launch Check Sync (and confirm that it is Started)

      • Star Server manually if needed

    • Launch apps

    • Configure each app with Check Sync IP

    • Login on every app

Bug fixes:

  • QSRA Proxy Data

    • Item and Modifier information is correctly submitted to QSRA.

  • Transaction Download Times

    • Resolved a performance-related issue that caused slow transaction download times at device login (preventing orders from being immediately displayed on the pending tab).

  • Display Order After Partial Refund

    • Fixed an issue that prevented orders from being displayed on KDS screen after a partial refund was issued (with Checks disabled).

  • User Interface (UI) Updates

    • Corrected an issue with the upcoming order icon (pixel sizing and spacing) so that it is visually identical to and consistent with the other order status icons.

  • Crash Fixes

    • This release fixes multiple issues found in production, including multiple crashes when updating/closing multiple orders.

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