The Shift4 Updates team

Release Notes: InteractX Kiosk 2.6.0

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

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Released On: 27 July 2023
Release Version: InteractX_2.6.0
Content: New feature - Check Sync Auto Configuration, New feature - Backward Compatibility, New feature - Support to Pending Orders report, Bug Fixes

ActivateX - 16.6.0 or newer
Check Sync - 2.0.2 or newer
KDSX - 5.13.0 or newer
Connect - 12.8 or newer

The primary purpose of this release is to introduce three new features, improve the UI and deliver some bug fixes.

Feature updates:

  • This release introduces our new backward compatibility support. From this release forward, all apps that rely on Check Sync/UOP to exchange orders locally can use different versions (see Compatibility section above).

  • This release also introduces support for the new Check Sync version. This version no longer requires manual configuration across ActivateX, InteractX, Check Sync, or KDS Android.

    • In case of connectivity issues between InteractX and Check Sync, the Pay At Cashier button will continue not to be accessible on the Payments screen (as we already do today).

  • With this release, InteractX now fully supports the Pending Orders analytics report in Connect. To do so, InteractX directly submits the Audit Data that populates this report...

    • When the user logs into InteractX

      When the user taps Send Diagnostics Info on the Diagnostics screen of InteractX

    • At Closing Time (a configuration in Connect) - Vendor > Open Hours tab > Closing Time.

      • Clients that expect this report to populate automatically should set Closing Time according to their operation. Otherwise, clients must submit diagnostics from each InteractX terminal at the end of each day to populate this report (or wait until the next login).

  • This version updates the Kotlin APL to 1.8.10 to support the new WorldPay payment capabilities in IX.

Bug fixes:

  • This build resolves crashes that were impacting InteractX 2.5.0.

  • This release improves connectivity between InteractX and Lane-3000 payment devices.

  • This build improves connectivity between InteractX and Glory Cash machines.

  • This release resolves the issue where InteractX was not respecting the Print Large Check Numbers flag from Connect.

Known limitations:

  • InteractX will not prompt the guest for a payment amount when operating with a single Tender Type enabled.

  • Order Types are not supported when running with Checks in Connect Mode.

  • InteractX shows the Check Sync IP as Active (instead of greyed-out) when running with Check Sync Service.

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