The Shift4 Updates team

Release Notes: Interact Classic 2.7.0

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

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Released On: 03 May 2022

Release Version: Interact 2.7

Release Type: General

Content: Minor changes to waivers, bug fixes

Feature updates:

  • The Waiver Signature screen was enhanced.

    • The below text is added to the top of the Waiver Signature page in bold, red, underlined, and all-caps text.

      • “By signing below, I acknowledge on behalf of myself and all Participants (a) I read and understand the foregoing Waiver, Release, and Indemnification Agreement in its entirety, (b) the risks associated with the Activities, (c) the release of claims, indemnity, and arbitration provisions contained therein, and (d) I agree to be further bound as provided for in such agreement.”

    • The “Next” button is now displayed as “I AGREE.”

Bug fixes:

  • The application no longer crashes when searching for a Phone Number.

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