The Shift4 Updates team

Release Notes: Growth - August 18, 2022 / 1.6

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Released On: 08.18.2022
Release Version: 1.6
Audience: [Retail][Shared]
Client Facing: Yes

New Features

QR Code Activation

This release is dedicated to QR Code Activation flow. This is a completely new flow that simplifies the activation process and encourages merchants to activate within 30 days of their acceptance date.

The client can start the setup process by scanning the QR code in their welcome box, which brings them to a seamless device activation experience in the dashboard. The flow was designed for two device types – A920 and Pax S80 – and is available to non-restaurant merchants only. The content of the steps varies based on which device is being activated.

We have also added end-to-end analytics to track conversion and user interaction.

The first step with the help of video tutorial will educate the client on how to install receipt paper.

The second one will show how to connect the cables.

The third step will teach how to run a test transaction.

And the last one will ask to provide a Terminal/Order ID to verify the receipt.

In case everything is fine the device will be successfully activated.

If there are any errors of failures, an email with the details will be sent to the Activation team so that they can follow up.

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