The Shift4 Updates team

Release Notes: Ecom/Websites 9/7/22

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Released On: 9/7/22
Release Version: v.2.22.36
Audience: Retail
Client Facing: Yes
Content: Bug Fixes and improvements to the website editor's header

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed issue causing Loyalty banner to not display after customer enters their email/phone information

  • Fixed issue causing the incorrect Loyalty rewards banner to display when a new customer makes their first purchase that earns them spots

  • Header sidebar in website editor now displays without hiding or obscuring content when editing in preview mode

  • Migrated header to a new data structure model for improved performance

  • Improved the header icon menus, options, and preview displays

  • Improved the header styles menus and preview displays

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