The Shift4 Updates team

Release Notes: Connect 12.9.31

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

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Released On: 20 July 2023

Release Version: CON_12.9_Patch1

Release Type: Patch

Content: Bug Fixes in Connect Mode & Local Mode

The primary purpose of this release is to re-establish KDS operation in Connect Mode and in Local Mode through a series of bug fixes in Connect, KDS, and ActivateX (and these AX changes will be inherited by InteractX). The compatible versions for AX, IX, and KDS will be released soon - see KDS 4.12 release notes for more information.

Feature updates:

  • This release restores Checks functionality in KDS.

    • KDS users can now operate with Checks on both Connect Mode and Local Mode.

    • Connect Mode with Checks was previously not supported correctly.

  • This release does not impact existing clients (utilizing previously released versions).

Known limitations:

  • See the KDS 4.12 Release Notes for the complete list.

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