The Shift4 Updates team

Release Notes: Connect 12.11.36 Patch

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

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Released On: 22 August 2023

Release Version: CON_12.11.36

Release Type: Out of Cycle - MTE

Content: MTE Clients: Features and Fixes for Connect Roles access, KDS features, and bug fixes, Reporting fixes


Feature updates:

  • Roles-based access was added for enterprise full refunds in Connect. This feature provides the ability to determine which Connect user can process full enterprise refunds.

  • This release introduces a new field in Accounts - KDS Station Name (available in Vendor and Subvendor accounts). KDS iOS and KDS Android will then use this information to...

    • Show the KDS Station Name on the top left of the KDS screen, identifying each KDS Station.

    • Print the KDS Station Name on each Kitchen Chit, identifying which KDS Station printed the chit.

      • These changes will clearly identify KDS terminals chits - a challenge today when operating in kitchens with multiple stations and shared printers.

    • See the KDS 4.13 and KDSX 5.15 Release Notes for more details.

  • This release expands the options available on the Android KDS Mode setting (used by KDS Android) - the flag is available in Connect at Vendors | Vendor Name | Kitchen.

    • This new value is QSRA Proxy Plus (OTG Only) - as the name indicates, it was developed exclusively for OTG. When configured, this setting:

      • Adjusts KDSX functionality to no longer fetch orders from Connect. Instead, KDSX will fetch orders from Check Sync (on the local network) and the new Check Management service (currently available only for OTG and their mobile app, Flo Mobile).

      • Enabling the set expands the Login data provided by Connect to KDSX (to include the Check Management access and security details).

    • See the KDSX 5.14 Release Notes for more details.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that was causing the heartbeat to fail

  • Fixed a bug that was causing the incorrect time to display on the history records report within the Tax Groups.


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue causing the Item Name filter in Analytics reports to not pass to Excel or CSV exports correctly

  • Fixed an issue causing the Tax Exempt filter in Analytics reports to not populate correctly

  • Fixed an issue causing the Terminal ID filter in Analytics reports to not populate correctly

    • This filter has been converted to an autocomplete filter instead of a populated list

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