The Shift4 Updates team

Release Notes: Connect 12.0 HF3

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

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This out of cycle release is for a specific feature set and client. If you believe you need the update, please reach out to your CSM.

Released On: 22 February 2023
Release Version: CON_12.0_HF3
Audience: S&E
Content: Connect Bug Fixes

Bug fixes:

  • KDS Related Issues:

    • Fixed an issue that was preventing modifiers from displaying in KDS when checks are enabled.

    • Fixed KDS dual Mode issue that was preventing orders from displaying properly in KDS

    • Updated KDS endpoint that will allow kds IOS use with checks.

  • Fixed an issue that was causing MAPI order details to not display in Connect

  • Fixed an issue on the inventory Calendar event that was causing the vendors to not appear when 'Event Type' was edited. This was preventing the Connect user from adding/removing or seeing the vendors for the event in the calendar event editor.

  • Fixed an issue that was causing items to disappear from the inventory count groups.

  • Fixed an issue that was causing transfers to get stuck and not post to the next event. This was also prevent the Connect user from closing the event or the transfer.

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