The Shift4 Updates team

Release Notes: Appointments - 5/17/22

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Released On: 5/17/22
Release Version: v.
Audience: Retail
Client Facing: Yes
Content: This release contains UI improvements and bug fixes

Feature Update:

  • The appointments application now shows a notification to refresh the screen if an appointment was booked via the online wizard after several minutes of idle time on the screen. This was implemented to prevent confusion when merchants accidentally double-book over time slots that were previously booked through the online wizard while they were away.

  • Added additional filtering to the reporting pages to allow the merchants to filter their reports by customer name, phone, or email address

  • Updated the tooltip icon on the calendar to match Nexus standards

Bug Fix:

  • "Save changes" button on the settings page is now disabled after clicking

  • Service line and price are now properly aligned in the orders sidebar

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