The Shift4 Updates team

KDSX 5.7.0

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Released On: 08/16/2022

Release Version: KDSX 5.7.0

Audience: Enterprise

Client Facing: Yes

Knowledge Base Link: N/A

Content: Android KDS UI updates, enhancements, and bug fixes


Feature Update [New]: Filter Split/Combine Updates in KDSX & QSRA

  • Vendor | Vendor Name | KDS | Filter Split / Combine Updates | Default is OFF

  • Users now have the ability to decide whether or not they want to filter out split/combine updates should go to the kitchen.The feature benefits include:

    • Benefit: Reduced product waste

    • Benefit: Lowered food cost

    • Benefit: Increased Revenue

Feature Update [New]: All Day / Outstanding Item View

  • Feature Navigation: This screen is available for all users, under the following navigation:

    • The end user will tap the Management Menu icon and then select the Item Count icon to display the All Day / Outstanding Item screen.  

  • Android KDS now has a display option called All Day / Outstanding Item View. This screen allows kitchen team members to see a list of similar items totaled so they can be made all at once.The feature benefits include:

    • Benefit: Streamline kitchen operations

    • Benefit: Increase order accuracy

    • Benefit: Lower food cost

Feature Update [New]: Same Day Order Ahead

  • Venue Level / Vendor / Vendor (name) / Order Ahead / Allow Ordering Ahead = Yes

  • This release introduces the Same-Day Order Ahead feature. This feature allows a restaurant guest the ability to place an order for pick up at a designated time during the current business day. The feature benefits include:

    • Benefit: Reduce inline queues

    • Benefit: Streamline kitchen operations

    • Benefit: Increased Customer Throughput

Feature Update [New]: Date Picker in KDSX

  • The KDSX UI has been enhanced to include a Date Picker filter. This filter ensures that the Android KDS device will only show orders for the current business date (or a selected date). The feature benefits include:

    • Benefit: Streamlines the kitchen production view to a specified date

    • Benefit: Provides easy search capabilities of orders

  • Users are still able to look for orders on previous dates. That is available by clicking the Search field on the KDS screen.

Bug Fix:  The auto-purge mechanism now works correctly with orders from Connect (Connect mode, iWeb).

Bug Fix: Refunded items/orders are no longer sent as an empty order when the KDS Mode is set to QSRA Proxy.

Bug Fix: KDSX no longer displays incorrect modifier pricing in both vendor and sub vendor logins.

Known Issue: When AutoComplete is enabled, orders from the previous day will remain on the Pending tab.

Known Issue: IP Printers configured on a local device will not persist in cache on reboot. IP Printers configured in Connect will persist on reboot.


  • KDS Android 5.7 requires ActivateX 15.12 and InteractX 1.22.

    • InteractX still has to be configured to use Connect Mode when used on a site with KDS Android.

  • Installing KDS Android is slightly different - users must get the corresponding Key APK from SpotOn Enterprise (available on demand). Both apps must be installed on each KDS device. 

  • KDS Android only supports the ‘Void and Close’ clear cart action.

Required Settings:

  • KDS Android requires the use of Check Sync to receive orders from ActivateX and Connect.

    • Once Check Sync is installed, please take note of its IP. You can find that information in Check Sync by...

    • Starting Check Sync.

    • Tap Server (on the top left on the Server screen).

    • You will see an IP address at the top right corner of the screen - copy that IP address.

  • To use KDSX with ActivateX, users need to configure ActivateX to use CheckSync.

    • To configure ActivateX to use Check Sync…

    • Make sure that Check Sync is installed and available on your network.

    • Get the IP address of the Check Sync server.

    • Launch ActivateX.

    • Click on the Gear icon on the top left corner of the ActivateX Login screen.

    • Select Synchronization Config.

    • Enter the IP of the Check Sync server and tap Save - IP has to include ws:// and port :1235.

  • To use KDSX with ActivateX, users also need to configure ActivateX to use UOP.

    • To configure ActivateX to use Android KDS, log into Connect.

    • Go to Terminal Roles (General tab).

    • Set the Android KDS flag to Yes.

  • To use KDSX, users also need to configure the Vendors (and Subvendors) in Connect.

    • Log into Connect.

    • Go to Vendors (Kitchen tab).

    • Set the KDS Mode to…

      • Android KDS - for standard KDS functionality (screen and printers)

      • QSRA Proxy - to submit orders to QSR Automations KDS

      • Printer Proxy - to run a printer-only kitchen layout

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