The Shift4 Updates team

Release Notes: ActivateX 16.7.0 - Updated 14 September 2023

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

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Released On: 12 September 2023

Release Version: AX_16.7.0

Release Type: General

Content: Tip on Subtotal feature, Certificate update, bug fixes

Feature updates:

  • Tip On Subtotal

    • We've enhanced the way tipping can be configured for your venue. When using Tip on CFD and suggested tip amounts are % based, you can choose whether the % shown is calculated on the Subtotal or the Total of the order. If configured to Subtotal, it will calculate the suggested tip amounts using the pre-tax, pre-fee, and pre-order level discounts subtotal amount. If configured to Total, it will use the post-tax, post-fee, and post-discount amount.

  • Printer Support

    • Added support for Star TSP143 printer so that venues can use it in combination with a cash drawer.

  • External Entitlement Redemption (EER)

    • When applied through EER flow, flat amount (i.e. $5.00 off) cart-level discounts can be applied multiple times, respecting the limits set on the discount.

  • Android 12 Support

    • Added support for the Android 12 OS.

  • This release includes the AX support for Check Sync Auto Configuration

    • See the KDSX 5.13 Release Notes for more details.

Certificate Update:

  • Updated the Samsung Knox certificate. This prevents users from repeatedly having to give permission to the application to access the USB port. This is only necessary for clients using Samsung devices.

Bug fixes:

  • Tipping

    • Fixed: Agents can use Tip Adjust. They need to remove a tip and apply a new tip. Adding a new tip will not remove or change the original tip automatically. With this process, it will refund and recharge the guest correctly. An existing issue still remains that adjusted tips may not report correctly in Connect. The Connect team is triaging this for a future release.

    • Fixed: "Payment service external data cannot be null" error displays when a user removes a tip during the Tip Adjust flow.

  • Display

    • Fixed: All Order button on the side panel menu is not displayed when there are Sync or Declined orders.

    • Fixed: If device plugged into a CFD and user performs a manual refresh, an Appetize logo displays over top of the screen and requires multiple clicks to remove.

    • Fixed: Checks button disappears when user performs a manual refresh.

    • Fixed: In compact mode, Cart button overlaps the Total amount due display.

    • Fixed: Discount Selection window not appearing on compact (phone size) devices

    • Fixed: Wizard with old mods not allowing an agent to check out in compact devices

  • Payments

    • Fixed: American Express cards used to start a check are not available to complete payment and close check.

    • Fixed: Orders with a cart-level discount that was paid in full with Fortress refunded the incorrect amount.

  • Check Management

    • Fixed: Checks with items "on hold" go offline when split.

    • Fixed: Combined checks are displaying as offline even though they are not offline.

  • Suites

    • Fixed: Toggling between Suites pre-order checks is prompting the user to re-submit items.

  • Order Management

    • Fixed: Orders were getting stuck in the job queue, which caused delays in syncing and missing transactions in Connect.

  • General

    • Fixed: Online/Offline indicator and handling not being properly updated when the devices come back online.

Known limitations:

  • Upon installation, if you encounter a red banner across the POS, please Clear Storage or process an Enterprise reset. The banner should be clear.

  • Order Types are not supported when running with Checks in Connect Mode.

    • If the location is set up to use order types and the accounts/roles are using Checks, the orders will not show on KDS.

    • When changing the order status on a Vendor KDS, the corresponding Subvendor KDS status is changed automatically.

  • When operating with the Filter Split/Combine Updates flag enabled, any items added to a split check in Activate X will appear in separate cells/chits on KDSX.

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