The Shift4 Updates team

Release Notes: ActivateX 16.6.0

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

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Released On: 18 July 2023
Release Version: ActivateX_16.6.0
Content: Bug fixes and compatibility improvements with KDS

Check Sync - 2.0.2 or newer
InteractX - 2.6.0 or newer
Connect - 12.8 or newer
KDSX - 5.13.0 or newer

This release introduces our new backward compatibility support. From this release forward, all apps that rely on Check Sync/UOP to exchange orders locally can use different versions.

Feature updates:

  • CheckSync Compatibility

    • This release introduces our new backward compatibility support. From this release forward, all apps that rely on Check Sync/UOP to exchange orders locally can use different versions (see Compatibility section above).

    • This release also introduces support for the new Check Sync version. This version no longer requires manual configuration across ActivateX, InteractX, Check Sync, or KDS Android.

  • Checks

    • When Checks are split, previously, the original check would get a .1 identifier at the end of the check number. The additional checks would get .2, .3, etc. Now, the original check will not get an identifier at the end of it. It will remain with the original check number. The additional checks will continue to get a .2, .3, etc.

Bug fixes:

  • Payments

    • Fixed: Mastercard sonic branding was not playing on the hardware when a Mastercard was used for purchase.

  • Checks

    • Fixed: Items names were not displaying when splitting checks causing the user to have to "know" the prices to split checks correctly.

    • Fixed: Splitting a check by seat was not correctly splitting the items and causing duplicates to display on the original check.

    • Fixed: If configured for "Fire on the Fly," when an item was deleted, it was still sent to the KDS.

  • Tipping

    • Fixed: When the No Tip button was selected, the text on the button would change to Custom Tip.

  • Suites

    • Fixed: When PAR Restock was being performed, the items were being sent as an order to KDS.

Known Issues:

  • AX 16.6.0 is not supported on Android 12

  • Suites preorders, when combined, are sent to the KDS again.

  • Display issues on the XCover Pro. We do not recommend this build for clients using that hardware.

    • Manually applied discounts do not display.

    • Submitted checks do not display

  • Display issues with Checks functionalities.

    • After combining checks while online, the check displays with an "Offline" indicator. The check is not offline.

    • After splitting checks with items "On Hold," the split check displays with an "Offline" indicator. The check is not offline and will successfully fire to the kitchen.

    • Check button disappears if the Refresh button on the side menu is selected. Check button returns on login.

    • When using table layout, the "Max Amount of Checks Open for the Table" message displays even when the threshold is not met. This is a visual bug; you can open additional checks until the threshold is met.

  • Inventory tabs do not display on a compact (mobile phone-sized) device. Tablet devices can still be used for all Inventory actions.

  • Removed auto-apply discounts are still stored on the order when checks are turned on.

  • The second submission round in Hold & Fire does not print to KDS chits in Local Mode.

  • Additional modifiers prevent checks from being closed or sent to KDS.

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