The Shift4 Updates team

Release Notes: ActivateX 16.0.0

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Released On: 02 November 2022
Release Version: AX_16.0.0
Audience: Enterprise
Client Facing: Yes
Content: ActivateX and KDSX usability improvements, Bug Fixes

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Feature Enhancements:

  • Kitchen

    • To make it easier and faster to switch between Activate X and KDS X, when using a single device, we have added a button on the employee login screen to switch back and forth between the application

  • Reporting/Analytics

    • When multiple payments applied to an order, the tips and fees for each payment will be sent to Connect separately so that we can report on them better.

  • Gift & Loyalty

    • Improved error messaging on Trove, CBORD, Atrium, and CustomPPI services. The UI should now display the host response in the "reason" field and provide more meaningful feedback.

    • Implemented TouchNet functionality through the Trove switch. Our integration will now support Balance Check, Sale, and Refund for TouchNet clients while the POS is online. Offline support and certification through Trove is pending.

    • Fortress can now return multiple discounts through the "discountLevel" field in their response. These discounts will relate back to reductions that the merchant has configured in Connect.

    • Custom PPI - You can now disable the tip prompt on Custom PPI tenders.

  • Payments

    • PAX Elavon: Improvements to Elavon batch management when the Host Close merchant parameters is set to 'Yes', but Auto Close is set to 'No'. On Host Close, the local batch is now automatically cleared.

      • Note: Manually closing the batch from Diagnostics will also clear the local batch.

    • Custom Tender Write-Off feature: Identified limitation with tip adjust. Offline tip adjust declines are not automatically written off to desired Custom Tender.

Bug Fixes:

  • Donations

    • Number pad will now display on the customer facing display when using a Custom amount on Donations.

    • Fixed a problem where the Donations options were not showing for every transaction.

  • Check Management

    • When using Rows, the row dropdown will display the rows and be able to be selected.

    • Open checks will close when configured to do so at the vendor hours close time.

  • Printing

    • When a venue is not set up with printing, the customer facing display will not show the Print button.

    • No longer a challenge in connecting to TSP650 ethernet printers.

  • Finalize Day

    • Addressed a challenge with perpetual spinning found when selecting Finalize Day

  • Reporting/Analytics

    • Connect Electronic Journal will not store a manager PIN was used when no manager PIN required on custom tenders.

    • Electronic Journal was not showing available for specific clients in older versions. This has been fixed.

  • Check Sync

    • Check Sync will not have a problem where it did not recognize the connected terminals upon a reboot. This as found in AX 15.12.0.

  • Payments

    • PAX Elavon: Fixed a bug on mobile & non-mobile hardware that generated the error 'Unable to find TID for your pinpad'.

    • PAX Elavon: Fixed a bug on mobile & non-mobile hardware that generated the error 'Your PAX venue does not have an available TID for this pinpad'.

    • PAX Elavon: Fixed a bug that would auto retry CC sync declines daily, which created duplicate authorization attempts for the cardholder.

    • PAX Elavon: Fixed a bug on mobile & non-mobile hardware that would generate the error 'Please check your network connection' when tendering to CC at checkout.

    • PAX Elavon: Fixed a bug on mobile & non-mobile hardware that allowed users to complete CC checkout when the TID set on the device does not match what is configured in Asset Management.

      • Messaging has been added to CC checkout: "Unable to set the device TID for this login. Please Close Batch on the device and login again. You will be unable to run credit payments until this is corrected."

    • PAX: Fixed a bug that would cause the Q20 payment device to beep and display the error 'Not Found' on CC checkout.

    • When selling a tax inclusive item and paying with CBORD or Atrium meal, balance will calculate correctly. Previously, left negative balance in AX 15.13.0.

  • Gift & Loyalty

    • LAVA - Fixed an issue where tax was remaining in the cart after a 100% discount was applied.

Known Issues

  • AX 16.0.0 is not recommended for the following:

    • Clients using Suites

    • Clients using KDS Android

    • Clients using KDS iOS

  • Bugs found in the release include:

    • Tip Adjust not working properly

    • CBORD PPI challenges

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