The Shift4 Updates team
SkyTab Venue

Release Notes: 2024 Week 9

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Released On: 27 February 2024

Release Version(s): QS POS v2.30.31-qs

Release Type: General

Quick Service POS


Minimum APK requirements for CFD: 2.13.2


  • If you notice the “Please Configure Your POS” screen on the A3700 for an already configured CFD, please logout and log back in to return to the idle screen containing the Revenue Center Name or uploaded image. This will only need to be done one time.

  • If you are currently using a USB connected printer for receipt printing, you will need to go through the configuration flow on the device and set USB/Device Printer as the receipt printer (hamburger menu > Configuration > Select Menu > Select Receipt Printer)

New Features & Enhancements

  • Made UI enhancements across all screens

  • The logged in attendant will now be attached to rich checkout orders for gratuity reporting purposes (attendant must have logged in while the device was online)

  • PINs up to 6 digits are now supported

  • Default modifiers will now be pre-selected when the parent item is added to the cart

  • Cloud receipt printing and cloud kitchen printing functionality are now supported

    • Upon navigating to the configuration flow, users will now be required to make a receipt printer selection (hamburger menu > Configuration > Select Menu > Select Receipt Printer)

      • None = Select if receipt printing is not needed

      • USB/Device Printer = Select if receipts are printed to a USB connected printer or a local device printer

      • Network Printer = This list will contain all configured network receipt printers for your venue. Select one of these to utilize cloud receipt printing.

  • Fanmaker is now a supported provider for QR Pay, Ticket, and Gift Card Tenders

    • Scanning requires POS APK version 2.9.0 or higher and a compatible Zebra USB scanner

    • Please contact your account manager for enablement at your venue

  • There is now a “Force Offline Mode” setting in Canopy 1.0 (Settings > POS/Xpedite). When enabled, all devices in the enabled revenue centers will process card payments offline until the setting is disabled.

  • Ticket Tender can now be accepted on the Customer Facing Display

  • Tapping “Sync Network Data” on an L1400 configured as a Customer Facing Display will now also reload the app on the connected A3700

  • The word “Suite” will no longer automatically be prepended to the stand name on kitchen chits

  • There is now a seat picker that can be used to add a seat/suite location to an order to be printed on the kitchen chit. To select a seat/suite for the order, tap “Add Location” from the cart, then select a seat or suite from the picker before finalizing the order. The “Add Location button will appear in the cart under the following conditions:

    • Device is online

    • A seat manifest has been uploaded for the venue

    • Seat(s) have been mapped to the configured Revenue Center

Requires APK 3.1.0 or higher

  • The native camera can now be used on the A800 to scan QR codes and barcodes for scanning tenders (QR Pay, Ticket, Gift Card)

  • The VN POS application will now be the default home app and will automatically launch following a device reboot

  • The discount disclaimer will now only appear on printed receipts for orders completed via rich checkout

  • When service charge legal language is configured for a venue, it will now appear on printed receipts

  • The device Serial Number will now be used as the Device ID for all PAX devices

    • NOTE: This will require re-registration of all devices on Android 10+ (A800, L1400, A3700)

  • The Star Micronics TSP650 printer is now supported for Kitchen Chits and Printed Receipts

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where tender buttons were disappearing from the cart when returning to the menu after selecting a payment method

  • Fixed an issue where the “Next” button on the tip/signature screen was disappearing when returning to the screen after selecting a payment method

  • Fixed an issue on CFD where the user could cancel an already completed transaction by double-tapping “New Order” on attendant-facing screen

  • Fixed an issue where the menu was not auto-scrolling to selected category when tapping a category button

  • Fixed an issue where the A3700 will return to the “Please configure your POS” screen following every transaction

  • Fixed an issue where the graph icon on the orders screen was sometimes yellow even if there were no orders to sync

  • Fixed an issue where the unsynced refund request total was not updating following a sync

  • Fixed an issue on the kiosk where the correct stand standing were not being used when a device had multiple menus configured

  • Fixed an issue where the offline order status sync was not always stopping on its own

  • Fixed an issue during the split pay flow where the “Balance Due” button was displaying the incorrect amount

  • Fixed an issue where the order number displayed on the receipt did not match the order number displayed in Canopy for split pay orders

  • Fixed an issue where completed orders were sometimes moving back to approved offline

  • Fixed an issue where the amount displayed on the receipt was sometimes lower than the amount the guest was charged

For questions or assistance, contact VenueNext Support at (888) 276-2108 ext. 4444, email, or reach out to your Enterprise Account Manager

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