- The Shift4 Updates team
Release Notes: 2024 Week 4
Released On: 24 January 2024
Release Version(s): Loyalty App v1.15.0, Suites App, v1.8.0
Release Type: General
Loyalty App
New Features & Enhancements
Several columns in the bulk CSV uploads will now be checked for valid formats of data:
Expiration Date (if it exists):
Validates the expiration date is in ISO 8601 format.
If the provided expiration date is in the MM/DD/YYYY format, it will be converted to ISO8601
If the provided expiration date is in the MM/DD/YY format, it will be converted to ISO8601
If the provided expiration date is in an unrecognizable format, a red message will appear to tell the user to adjust their file.
Validates the expiration date is not in the past:
If the provided expiration date is in the past, a red message will appear to tell the user to adjust their file.
Instance (if instances are enabled for the organization):
If the provided instance(s) contains uppercase, spaces, or special characters, a red message will appear to tell the user to adjust their file.
Valid instance:
If the provided instance(s) do not match any that are configured for the organization, a red message will appear to tell the user to adjust their file.
Note: This is an effort to prevent the duplication of valid accounts and to prevent the creation of invalid accounts.
Please see this section of our knowledge base for additional information and guides to CSV uploads in Loyalty App.
Suites App
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where attendants were not scoped to the current organization.
For questions or assistance, contact VenueNext Support at (888) 276-2108 ext. 4444, email help@venuenext.com, or reach out to your Enterprise Account Manager