The Shift4 Updates team
SkyTab Venue

Release Notes: 2024 Week 11

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Released On: 13 March 2024

Release Version(s): QS POS v2.31.15-qs, Mobile Ordering v1.51.1

Release Type: General

Quick Service POS


Minimum APK requirements for CFD: 2.13.2

New Features & Enhancements

  • By default, taxes will now be calculated using normal rounding rules as opposed to ceiling rounding rules when tax amount is calculated beyond the hundredth decimal place. It will still be possible to configure your venue to continue using ceiling rounding if desired

    • Normal Rounding

      • Round UP if thousandth decimal place in the tax amount is > or equal to 5 (i.e. 2.257 = 2.26)

      • Round DOWN if thousandth decimal place in the tax amount is < 5 (i.e. 2.253 = 2.25)

    • Ceiling Rounding

      • Always round UP if there is a thousandth decimal place in a tax amount (i.e. 2.257 = 2.26, 2.253 = 2.26)

      • To switch back to ceiling rounding: In Canopy 1, navigate to F&B > Venue Settings > Tax > Set “Use normal tax rounding” to No

  • The idle screen on the Customer Facing Display will now use the menu level image if one exists. If no menu level image exists, it will use the location level image. If no location level image exists, it will display the location name with the brand color in the background.

  • Availability of receipt printing can now be enabled/disabled at the device level. Upon navigating to the configuration flow, users will now be prompted for a receipt printer selection (hamburger menu > Configuration > Select Menu > Select Receipt Printer)

    • None = Select if receipt printing is not needed. The print option will not appear on the receipt screen

    • USB/Device Printer = Select if receipts are to be printed to a USB connected printer or a local device printer. The print option will appear on the receipt screen

    • Network Printer = This list will contain all configured network receipt printers for your venue. Select one of these to utilize cloud receipt printing. The print option will appear on the receipt screen

  • Receipt printers will now be listed alphabetically on the Select Receipt Printer screen

  • Stands and menus will now be displayed alphabetically on the Menu Configuration screen

  • There will now be a printer icon displayed in the header on devices configured as a Print Controller

  • When using the mobile scanner on the A800 for any scan tenders, the user will now be presented with the option to try again or to select a different tender option if there was an issue when scanning

  • The user will now receive an error message if attempting to cloud print a receipt for an offline order that has not yet been synced

Requires APK 2.14.2 or higher:

  • The native camera can now be used on the A800 to scan QR codes and barcodes for scanning tenders (QR Pay, Ticket, Gift Card)

Note: Upon launching APK 2.14.2, the user will receive two new prompts to allow for camera and storage permissions that must be accepted.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with latency on the POS during manual entry of scan tenders (QR Pay, Gift Card, Ticket) when there is no scanner attached

  • Fixed an issue where the Customer Facing Display was not correctly enforcing the printer selection on the device. Now, if “None” is selected for Receipt Printer, then the Print option will not be displayed to the user on the receipt screen

  • Fixed an issue where the tender was not being printed on the receipt for orders closed to a single tender

  • Fixed an issue preventing the application of limited use promotions with SKU loaded tickets

  • Fixed an issue where the order number on the printed receipt did not always match the order number in the orders list on the POS and displayed in Canopy

  • Fixed an issue where PINs less than 4 digits were not allowing the user to login

  • Fixed an issue where the user would sometimes see an “Order must have at least one associated item” error during the order flow

Mobile Ordering


Bug Fixes

  • Hid the “Order Again” option in “My Orders” receipts for QR Pay transactions

  • Fixed a virtual currency transfer issue when transferring virtual currency to yourself

For questions or assistance, contact VenueNext Support at (888) 276-2108 ext. 4444, email, or reach out to your Enterprise Account Manager

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