The Shift4 Updates team

Release Note [SpotOn Restaurant/Loyalty Deals and Bug Fixes] - 4/28/22/foh.697

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Released On: 4/28/22
Release Version: foh.697
Audience: Restaurant
Client Facing: Yes
Knowledge Base Link:
: Loyalty Deals and Bug Fixes

Loyalty Deals: Loyalty Deals as a discount are now “automatically” applied to an entire order when selected on the POS device. Functionality was added to the POS to allow clients to view a deal, select a deal, apply a deal to open orders and remove a deal from an open order. Eligible deals include Birthday, New Customer, Sign Up and Lapsed Customer.

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  • Corrected a typo on under menu item groups>pricing events to read: “This Menu Group is not included in any pricing events”.

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  • Corrected typos on Station Types > Command Bar Page

  • Corrected typos on Job Positions > Order Transferring to read: “This job position can transfer orders to the Job Positions below, following these rules”.

  • Removed ‘!!! Scheduled order !!!’ being printed on non-scheduled orders

  • Added a setting on BOH to enable online ordering with the condition that online ordering has been setup properly, and when disabled, to pause online ordering indefinitely

  • Fixed an issue where DDD orders occasionally were not released/printed to the kitchen when the "print requisition tickets when order is placed" setting was on in BOH

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