The Shift4 Updates team

Release Note [SpotOn Restaurant/Bug Fixes]- 7/14-15/22/v706/v707

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Released On: 7/14/22 and 7/15/22
Release Version: [POS] - Release 706 and [POS] - Release 707
Audience: Restaurant
Client Facing: Yes
Content: SpotOn Restaurant had a release on Thursday morning, 7/14/22 and Friday afternoon, 7/15/22. This release included some small features and bug fixes listed below:

Feature Updates:

  • As part of our initiative to improve the menu build experience we introduced an item level, modifier filter on Menu Items. This filter now allows users to search for modifier groups.

  • As part of our initiative to improve the printing experience, we introduced error handling to report offline printers.

  • FOH versioning was updated from foh.XXX - srv.XXX to client vXXX and api vXXX

  • Ensure that Quantity On Hand is updated in the FOH for Dine-in OLO Orders. For example, when a guest sends items to the kitchen, the Quantity On Hand is updated in the FOH

  • To align with changes from the ORD web refactor, the OLO order receipts were updated to include ‘Item total’ field — a subtotal of items only, pre discounts and taxes.

Bug Fixes:

  • Tips are now correctly split across teams when using SpotOn Pay at the Table (ERT-5499 and ERT-6862)

  • Gratuity percentage now calculates correctly when discounts or adjustments are applied (ERT-6673 , ERT-6840 , ERT-7034 and ERT-7073 )

  • End of Day History for “New Scheduled Orders” logic was updated to align to order status (ERT-6690)

  • Send button now correctly changes to save when creating a scheduled order (ERT-6398)

  • Newly created user’s first name now correctly displays in BOH/FOH without a refresh (ERT-6514)

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