- The Shift4 Updates team
Release Note [SpotOn Restaurant/Bug Fixes]- 7/14-15/22/v706/v707
Released On: 7/14/22 and 7/15/22
Release Version: [POS] - Release 706 and [POS] - Release 707
Audience: Restaurant
Client Facing: Yes
Content: SpotOn Restaurant had a release on Thursday morning, 7/14/22 and Friday afternoon, 7/15/22. This release included some small features and bug fixes listed below:
Feature Updates:
As part of our initiative to improve the menu build experience we introduced an item level, modifier filter on Menu Items. This filter now allows users to search for modifier groups.
As part of our initiative to improve the printing experience, we introduced error handling to report offline printers.
FOH versioning was updated from foh.XXX - srv.XXX to client vXXX and api vXXX
Ensure that Quantity On Hand is updated in the FOH for Dine-in OLO Orders. For example, when a guest sends items to the kitchen, the Quantity On Hand is updated in the FOH
To align with changes from the ORD web refactor, the OLO order receipts were updated to include ‘Item total’ field — a subtotal of items only, pre discounts and taxes.
Bug Fixes:
Tips are now correctly split across teams when using SpotOn Pay at the Table (ERT-5499 and ERT-6862)
Gratuity percentage now calculates correctly when discounts or adjustments are applied (ERT-6673 , ERT-6840 , ERT-7034 and ERT-7073 )
End of Day History for “New Scheduled Orders” logic was updated to align to order status (ERT-6690)
Send button now correctly changes to save when creating a scheduled order (ERT-6398)
Newly created user’s first name now correctly displays in BOH/FOH without a refresh (ERT-6514)