- The Shift4 Updates team
InteractX 1.21.0
Released On: 7.8.22
Release Version: 1.21.0
Audience: S&E
Client Facing: Yes
Knowledge Base Link: coming soon
Content: Lava Loyalty Only, Atrium Enhancements, Loyalty Only Theming and Bug Fixes
Compatible Versions
AX: 15.8.5
Check Sync: Not SupportedĀ
KDSios: 4.9.1
KDSX: 5.5.2
The SpotOn Enterprise Team is pleased to announce the general release of Interact X Kiosk. Lava Loyalty Only cards are now supported for accruing points or other rewards to your account for a kiosk order. This release also focuses on critical performance and stability issues, as well as better error handling and bug fixes as we continue our efforts to improve reliability.
New! Apply Loyalty with Lava

Get your points/rewards with Lava: When the Lava Loyalty tender is enabled in Connect for a Vendor, the kiosk will show the Apply Loyalty button on the bottom of the Tender Selections Screen:
Use the Apply Loyalty to get points or rewards for your order
Use the Payment Tender to get discounts (if available) and/or pay for your order.
Coming Soon: The ability to customize the text on the Apply Loyalty button is not currently available but we are working to get this functionality into a release soon.
Enhancements to Atrium Processing
Atrium Payment Tender: The following enhancements support popular campus card brand "Atrium".
Better error handling when an Atrium sub-tender is not assigned or configured correctly in Connect but the kiosk is setup to show the buttons (example, "Meal").
Terminal ID is now sent in the payload (PPI) to Atrium for processing.
Important: Terminal ID must be set for the terminal (new Atrium requirement).
These enhancements improve the guest experience and also meet new Atrium requirements.
Enhancements to Loyalty Only
Theming for Apply Loyalty: The following enhancements support the Loyalty Only feature on the Payment Tender Selection screen. Currently, we support SkiData and Lava.
Font, Credit Card, Loyalty, and "Submit Check" custom themes are now respected by the Apply Loyalty button.
These enhancements ensure your brand's customizations are applied consistently to all the buttons on the Payment Tender Selection screen.
Bug Fixes
Crashes: The following reported crash scenarios have been resolved in this release.
Using a Custom Tender in a partial payment on a balance and then canceling the order.
Tapping Guest Help and the timeout modal closes due to inactivity.
Tapping Guest Help and then selecting then canceling the order.
Scanning an invalid code while ordering an item, receiving an error message, canceling the order, and returning to the Attract screen to scan it again
Adding items with restrictions like alcohol, which requires a Manager's Pin, or some items with required modifiers
Logging in with Low Paper and landing on the Attract screen
Attempting to reprint the receipt for an order from the (Admin) Previous Orders screen and the kiosk is low on paper
Attempting to cancel an order in Offline Mode
Checkout, Payments, and Receipts: Issues related to the following check out, payments, and receipt scenarios have been resolved in this release.
After inserting a credit card, the payment processing screen displays but doesn't appear to complete. It runs for a minute or two before it abruptly returns the home screen. In these cases, the payment processed. This fix ensures the order is completed as normal.
Connections and issues with the Change and Count down modals for Glory Cash.
Routing back to the payment tender selection screen after using a Givex card.
The Apply Loyalty Only button still showing after SkiData or Lava Loyalty only is used.
Payment methods (display name) not printing on receipts correctly.
Some orders appeared to be Complete during checkout but the Checkout Calls were not made and the orders did not go to Connect. (Note: These orders appear on the Offline Tab in the Admin screens.)
Incorrect or negative balances shown on the cart for Loyalty cards.
Balance not being returned to Loyalty cards when order is cancelled.
Refunds: Issues related to the following refund scenarios have been resolved in this release.
Split payments using one or more loyalty payment tenders.
Orders with Tips and Round Up for Charity.
Receipt not displaying the correct refunded Custom Fee amount.
Custom Themes and Formatting: Various issues related to custom themes and formatting (buttons, fonts, image sizes, etc) were fixed. This includes Weigh & Pay modals.
Menu Category: Fixed navigation and screen behavior issues.
Intermittent flashing when selecting a different Menu Category from the selected item on screen.
Parent level categories not highlighted until a child level categories, or Sub Category, is selected.
Phone Number Login: Issues related to the Phone Number Login for registered Visitor Service guest accounts were fixed.
Command buttons missing on the Phone Number login modal.
Unable to delete and edit the digits of the phone number.
Other Issues Resolved:
Admin screens not timing out in 30 seconds.
Scanner not recognized by kiosk when selecting a Loyalty payment tender.
Known Issues for this release
Please review the following known issues to help make your upgrade decisions:
Check Sync is not supported (Pay at Cashier use case).
Some modals do not support Speech Output.
Venuetize and Glory Cash issues will be resolved in the next release when we re-base with AX 15.11.x
Fortress transactions are not including the Tip for orders with items configured with "Fortress Internal Discount".
Hide 0.00 Price needs to be set to NO in Permission sets because of a crash issue. This will be resolved in the next release.
Transaction IDs do not always populate the Search field in Search by Order when using CR1100 scanner.
Some issues with split payments using 2 different loyalty payment tenders.
Unable to reproduce and resolve reported issue with Lane 3000 freezes when removing the card from the reader.