The Shift4 Updates team
SkyTab Venue

Pre-Release Notes: RC 24.33 Canopy

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Target Release Week: 8/12/24-8/16/24 (Week 33)

Release Version(s): Menu Manager v2.32.0

Release Type: Release Candidate

Content: Venue Setting Additions & Various UI Enhancements

Canopy 2.0


Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where item images were not displaying immediately after a successful upload.


Feature Updates:

  • [Venue Setting] Enable SMS Receipts and SMS Receipt Message

  • [Venue Setting] Enable POS Email Receipts

    • Enabling or disabling this settings determines if the "Email Receipt" button appears on POS devices.

  • [Venue Setting] Require Card Payment to Open Tab

    • Enabling or disabling this settings determines if a card is required to be authorized before opening a tab.

  • [Venue Setting] Require Manager PIN to Configure POS

    • Enabling or disabling this settings determines if a manager PIN is required to access the POS Configuration screen.

For questions or assistance, contact VenueNext Support at (888) 276-2108 ext. 4444, email, or reach out to your Enterprise Account Manager.

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