The Shift4 Updates team
SkyTab Venue

Pre-Release Notes: Quick Service POS 2.42 *New Planned Release Date*

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Planned Release Date: 14 November 2024

Release Version: 2.42.16-qs

Release Type: Release candidate

Content: Various enhancements and bug fixes

These are Pre-Release notes with the anticipated contents of a release now scheduled for November 14, 2024. There is potential for changes in the scope and timing of the release. We will send final release notes upon completion of the release.

Feature Updates:

  • The feature to automatically clear declined offline transactions from the card reader following the completion of the batch upload of offline transactions will now be enabled automatically on devices with the minimum required APK version of 2.17.0 installed. Once enabled, this functionality will prevent looping voids of declined transactions

  • There is now a Printer diagnostic tab in the debug screen on print controller devices containing the following:

    • Websocket connection status of the print controller

    • Network printer connection status for each controlled printer

    • Test print button for each controlled printer

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue with the Force Offline setting not working in some cases

  • Fixed an issue where the offline sync messaging was not giving an accurate status of the sync in some cases

  • Fixed an issue where offline orders that were successfully synced to the gateway would later be moved to Authorization Failed in some cases

  • Fixed an issue where the user was being prompted for tip twice during the split tender flow when configuring the E700 to tip on the Q20 card reader

For questions or assistance, contact VenueNext Support at (888) 276-2108 ext. 4444, email, or reach out to your Enterprise Account Manager.

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