The Shift4 Updates team
SkyTab Venue

Pre-Release Notes: Quick Service POS 2.36

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Planned Release Date: 11 July 2024

Release Version: 2.36.42-qs

Release Type: Release candidate

Content: Performance enhancements, reconciliation improvements, require manager approval for refunds and configuration updates performed on the POS

Note: These are Pre-Release notes with the anticipated contents of a release scheduled on 7/11/2024 at 9:30 am EST. There is potential for changes in the scope of the release. We will send final release notes following completion of the release.

Feature Updates:

  • General performance enhancements

  • Performing a refund on the POS will now require a manager PIN for approval. The refund will be completed upon entering a valid manager PIN and will no longer need to be approved in the Refund App

  • Making a configuration change on the POS will now require a manager PIN for approval

  • The POS will now require the card reader to be in online mode prior to syncing to help mitigate reconciliation issues with offline transactions

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where order numbers and invoice numbers were sometimes being duplicated on successive transactions, resulting in reconciliation issues

  • Fixed an issue where the refund total in the device summary was inaccurate

For questions or assistance, contact VenueNext Support at (888) 276-2108 ext. 4444, email, or reach out to your Enterprise Account Manager.

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