The Shift4 Updates team

Pre-Release Notes: KDSX 5.13.0

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

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Target Release Date: 11 July 2023
Release Version: KDSX_5.13.0
Content: New feature - Check Sync Auto Configuration, New feature - Backward Compatibility, UI Updates, Bug Fixes

ActivateX - 16.6.0 or newer
Check Sync - 2.0.1 or newer
InteractX - 2.6.0 or newer
Connect - 12.8 or newer

The primary purpose of this release is to introduce 2 new features, improve the UI and deliver some bug fixes.

Feature updates:

  • This release introduces our new backward compatibility support. From this release forward, all apps that rely on Check Sync/UOP to exchange orders locally can use different versions (see Compatibility section above).

  • This release also introduces a new Check Sync version. This version no longer requires manual configuration across ActivateX, InteractX, Check Sync, or KDS Android.

    • This new version can be installed and utilized in the existing fashion (running as a full-fledged application on a separate device), but it can also be installed as a service (on the main KDS).

    • This improvement removes the need for an additional device and the need to rely on static IPs to connect ActivateX, Check Sync, and KDS Android applications - each of these products will now connect itself to all other devices on the network.

      • When using Check Sync as a service, clients can now also set the KDS Admin PIN in Connect to prevent users from accessing the Server screen in Check Sync. We added this feature to prevent users from Stopping the server and from running Reset Order Data - all controlled in this screen).

        • Set Permission Sets > KDS > Require Pin for Admin Pages to YES.

        • Enter the desired PIN on Accounts > Type = Terminal Account > Admin PIN.

      • When this feature is enabled, Check Sync will display this popup when the user taps the Server button on the main screen:

        • If the user enters the correct password, then Check Sync displays the Server screen.

        • IMPORTANT: This functionality requires both KDSX and Check Sync to run on the same device.

  • The KDSX User Interface was reviewed - the app no longer shows prices, taxes, or totals on any screen. These items were removed to allow for a cleaner user interface (and to let us expand our display options without including elements that are not critical for kitchen operation.

Known limitations:

  • Order Types are not supported when running with Checks in Connect Mode.

    • If the location is set up to use order types and the accounts/roles use Checks, the orders will not show on KDS.

  • When changing the order status on a Vendor KDS, the corresponding Subvendor KDS status is changed automatically.

  • When operating with the Filter Split/Combine Updates flag enabled, any items added to a split check in ActivateX will appear in separate cells/chits on KDSX.

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