The Shift4 Updates team

Pre-Release Notes: KDSX 5.10.0

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Target Release Date: 18 January 2023
Release Version: KDSX_5.10.0
Audience: Enterprise
Content: KDSX usability improvements, Bug Fixes

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Planned Compatibility:
Activate X - 16.2.0
Check Sync - 1.1.2
Interact X - 2.2.0

The primary purpose of this release is to provide usability improvements, and bug fixes.

Bug Fixes:

  • Transaction Download Times

    • Resolved a performance-related issue that caused slow transaction download times at device login (preventing orders from being immediately displayed on the pending tab).

  • Display Order After Partial Refund

    • Fixed an issue that prevented orders from being displayed on KDS screen after a partial refund was issued (with Checks disabled).

  • User Interface (UI) Updates

    • Corrected an issue with the upcoming order icon (pixel sizing and spacing) so that it is visually identical to and consistent with the other order status icons.

    • Made adjustments to the info arrow on the Order Card so they are no longer rotated in different directions.

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