The Shift4 Updates team

Pre-Release Notes: Connect 12.4

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Need more information? Email or call (877) 559-4225. The Support team is available 24/7/365.

Target Release Date: 09 May 2023

Release Version: CON_12.4

Content: Connect features and bug fixes, Suites bug fixes, Reporting features and bug fixes.



  • New nested modifiers will now pass in the proper structure to the KDS when the Connect setting to 'Consolidate Modifiers in shopping cart' is 'No'

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that was causing the export of old, classic, modifiers to not align with the filtered range for the venue.

  • Fixed a bug causing the POS Categories Export not to generate a file.

  • Fixed a bug on inventory True Up that was causing the sort order to not persist from event to event.

  • Fixed a display issue on the True Up count group item selection modal that prevented the 'assign all' and 'unassign' all buttons from displaying.

  • Fixed a bug preventing the calendar from displaying on the invoice date selector while creating an invoice.

  • Fixed a bug preventing transfers from closing when one or more items in the transfer do not exist in the source location. This issue was rarely seen as the Connect User generally won't select an item that does not exist at a location. This issue was causing the transfers from completing; therefore, the event could not be closed either. This fix will allow the transfer to close so the event can also be closed.

  • Fixed a bug that caused HTML text to display when trying to change or update a password in Connect MTC.

  • Fixed a bug preventing the input of the device IP address from appearing on the sub-vendor page when printers are enabled.

  • Fixed a bug that was causing new modifiers to display as parent items on emailed receipts

  • Fixed a bug that was preventing terminal accounts from being created.



  • The "Production Units" page has been moved from the Suites module to the Options module, and Production Units can now be assigned to the Item > "Units" setting

  • The Item > "Weight Units" setting has been updated so that when "Weight Item" is set to No, this setting becomes "Units" and can now be used for all Items (previously only used for Weight Items) - when "Weight Item" is set to Yes, it becomes "Weight Units"

Bug Fixes

  • Updated Suites Receipts and the Event Order Report to properly display Discounts

  • Fixed an issue where Suites orders were disappearing from the UI after using the bulk processing feature on the Suite Orders page

  • Fixed an issue that, in some cases, caused the wrong tax rate to be applied to Custom Fees



  • Additional improvements have been made to the report page UI in Analytics

  • The XLSX file format has been removed from all reports in Analytics

    • The same file is still available as a report option under Excel (labeled with "Summary Unformatted")

  • The options to control user visibility of report modules has been simplified under Connect Roles > Report Categories

    • The "Revenue" report module has been renamed "Sales" for clarity

    • Another section has been added for Connect Roles > Reporting Features, such as the Live Report

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue causing Vendor Group totals to not properly display on Revenue report exports

  • Fixed an issue causing the Discounts report to not load due to the Discount Name filter not populating values correctly

  • Fixed an issue causing the Vendor Group filter to not apply to the Revenue report exports

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