The Shift4 Updates team

Pre-Release Notes: Connect 12.13

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

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Target Released On: 11 September 2023

Release Version: CON_12.13

Content: Connect features and bug fixes, Suites bug fixes


Feature updates:

  • With this version, Connect no longer allows users to change the Dynamic Order Mode setting in Subvendors - the flag is available in Connect at Vendors | Vendor Name | Kitchen tab. This setting is now locked to the selection made at the corresponding Vendor.

  • This release renames the Item Details setting to Enable Item Details View - the flag is available in Connect at Vendors | Vendor Name | Kitchen tab. This setting now also includes a tooltip:

    Allows KDS users to tap on an item (on the Order Details view) and see the item Description and large photo.

  • This release renames the Fetch Cycle setting to Order Retrieval at Login - the flag is available in Connect at Vendors | Vendor Name | Kitchen tab. This setting now also includes a tooltip:

    Adjusts the KDS query to Connect at login. KDS will only attempt to retrieve orders from the last X minutes.

    • This version also changed the default value of the Order Retrieval at Login setting to 60min.

    • Connect no longer allows users to change the Order Retrieval at Login setting in Subvendors - this setting is now locked to the selection made at the corresponding Vendor.

  • With this version, Connect now has new limits for Retry fields (used with QSRA kitchens).

    • Retry Time now has a range between 1-10 minutes.

    • Retry Count now has a range between 1-10 retry attempts.

      • Both settings are available in Connect at Vendors | Vendor Name | Kitchen tab. These fields are available when:

        • KDS Mode is set to QSRA Integration (Disney only)

        • Android KDS Mode is set to QSRA Proxy

        • Android KDS Mode is set to QSRA Proxy Plus (OTG only)

  • This release expands the options available on the Android KDS Mode setting (used by KDS Android) - the flag is available in Connect at Vendors | Vendor Name | Kitchen.

    • This new value is QSRA Proxy Plus (OTG Only) - as the name indicates, it was developed exclusively for OTG. When configured, this setting:

      • Adjusts KDSX functionality to no longer fetch orders from Connect. Instead, KDSX will fetch orders from Check Sync (on the local network) and the new Check Management service (currently available only for OTG and their mobile app, Flo Mobile).

      • Enabling the set expands the Login data provided by Connect to KDSX (to include the Check Management access and security details).

    • See the KDSX 5.14 Release Notes for more details.

  • This release introduces a new field in Accounts - KDS Station Name (available in Vendor and Subvendor accounts). KDS iOS and KDS Android will then use this information to...

    • Show the KDS Station Name on the top left of the KDS screen, identifying each KDS Station.

    • Print the KDS Station Name on each Kitchen Chit, identifying which KDS Station printed the chit.

      • These changes will clearly identify KDS terminals and chits - a challenge today when operating in kitchens with multiple stations and shared printers.

    • See the KDS 4.13 and KDSX 5.15 Release Notes for more details.

Bug fixes:

  • Inventory - True Up: Fixed a bug that was preventing all the vendors or warehouses from showing up after selecting to all.

  • Fixed a bug that was causing taxe amounts to show up on the sales by item report that were discounted to $0.00

  • Inventory Standsheet - Fixed a bug that was causing the begin counts on the standsheet to be incorrect when the standsheet edit event page was opened.

  • Fixed a bug that was causing the tip to show $0.00 when the tip was adjusted on the PAX device. The amount charged to the guest was correct, but the Connect orders page was incorrect.


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue that caused the sort order of the Preorder Portal menu to change after selecting a category.

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