The Shift4 Updates team

Pre-Release Notes: Connect 12.12

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

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Target Release Date: 29 August 2023

Release Version: CON_12.12

Content: Connect features and bug fixes, Suites Feature, and Reporting features and bug fixes


Feature updates:

  • On the inventory standsheet, the 'Vendor Sales' section is now available in all statuses once the standsheet is open.

  • With this version, Connect no longer allows users to change the KDS Completion Mode setting - the flag is available in Connect at Vendors | Vendor Name | Kitchen tab. This setting is now locked to Independent in all KDS Modes.

  • This version removes the Order Status Update Mode setting from Connect - the flag was available at Vendors | Vendor Name | Kitchen tab (only in Subvendors).

  • The QSRA Integration option (developed exclusively for Disney) now appears on the KDS Mode setting as QSRA Integration (Disney only). This flag is available in Connect at Vendor > Kitchen tab.

  • This release expands the options available on the Android KDS Mode setting (used by KDS Android) - the flag is available in Connect at Vendors | Vendor Name | Kitchen.

    • This new value is QSRA Proxy Plus (OTG Only) - as the name indicates, it was developed exclusively for OTG. When configured, this setting:

      • Adjusts KDSX functionality to no longer fetch orders from Connect. Instead, KDSX will fetch orders from Check Sync (on the local network) and the new Check Management service (currently available only for OTG and their mobile app, Flo Mobile).

      • Enabling the set expands the Login data provided by Connect to KDSX (to include the Check Management access and security details).

    • See the KDSX 5.14 Release Notes for more details.

  • This release introduces a new field in Accounts - KDS Station Name (available in Vendor and Subvendor accounts). KDS iOS and KDS Android will then use this information to...

    • Show the KDS Station Name on the top left of the KDS screen, identifying each KDS Station.

    • Print the KDS Station Name on each Kitchen Chit, identifying which KDS Station printed the chit.

      • These changes will clearly identify KDS terminals and chits - a challenge today when operating in kitchens with multiple stations and shared printers.

    • See the KDS 4.13 and KDSX 5.15 Release Notes for more details.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug in the inventory standsheets where the count outs, waste, and comps were not showing up from data entered in Activate X.

  • Fixed a bug that was preventing inventory items from being created on the item import when the 'Track Inventory' value was set to 'Yes.'

  • Fixed a bug that was causing the date to be to be off by several hours in the history of changes section for Tax Groups and items.


Feature updates:

  • Filter Sets in Analytics reports may now be saved without the date range. Saving a filter set without the date range automatically updates the date range with today's date when the filter set is loaded. There are many more enhancements coming to Saved Filter Sets.

  • The Sales Summary report has been enhanced in Analytics reporting.

    • New sections added:

      • Tax Summary: Show taxes applied to item sales and the percent of the net sales.

      • Custom Fee Summary: Shows custom fees and amounts taken as well as any additional tax incurred by fees.

      • Item Summary: Shows a summary of all items sold.

      • Discounts Summary: Shows which discounts were applied and their frequency and dollar amounts.

  • Along with the new Sales Summary report, a new export option prompt has been introduced when you select Download from a report, giving you more control over Excel exports. These new functions will be applied to all Excel exports over time.

    • Report Name: Select from available views created for the report.

    • Format: Select from CSV (raw data), Excel, or PDF format options.

    • Show Headers: Hide/Show the headers in Excel exports. Hiding these gives a file with fewer merged cells, allowing for easier filtering or manipulation.

    • Show Grand Total: Hide/Show the grand total at the bottom of each section.

    • Section By: Select to create sections for each vendor, event, or vendor group. You may also choose to have no sections, showing all values in one section.

  • New Report: Order Trends. This report allows users to view the trend in orders over time. Use the Group By filter to group by 15 minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue causing the User Name filter in the Dashboard Live Report to not load any values when a value was entered.

  • Fixed an issue to sometimes cause tips to not be stored and reported in Connect.


Feature updates:

  • Updated sort order of the Event Order report. Orders are now sorted alphabetically by suite name.

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