The Shift4 Updates team

Pre-Release Notes: Connect 12.10

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

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Released On: 31 July 2023

Release Version: CON_12.10

Content: Connect features & bug fixes, Interact Web customizable SMS Receipt text, Suites alphabetized accounts & bug fixes


Feature updates:

  • On the Inventory True Up Beta module, the filtering options will now filter the 'Items' tab. This will only display items that meet the filter criteria. The filter options are items with no counts entered or items with zero counts entered.

  • On the Inventory True Up Beta module, the export was updated to reflect filtering done on the True Up Beta page. When the user filters the True Up Beta page by items all items, items missing a count, or by items with a zero count, the PDF export will respect the filtering and only show items and vendors that meet the filter criteria.

  • On the Item Map page, hyperlinks were added to the details view for all items, modifiers, and item sets so that the Connect User can more quickly and intuitively edit details. This eliminates the need for the Connect User to navigate to different modules in Connect to search for an item or item set.

  • On the Item Map Page, the ability to add modifiers to an item set was removed. To add or remove modifiers for an item set, the user can select the edit icon on the item set and add or remove modifiers on the item set details page.

  • On the Item Set-Modifiers page, the ability to hyperlink to modifier details was added. When you select a modifier, you will be hyperlinked to that modifier's details page.

  • This release restores Checks functionality in KDS iOS.

    • KDS users can now operate with Checks on both Connect Mode and Local Mode.

      • Connect Mode with Checks was previously not supported correctly.

    • This release does not impact existing clients (utilizing previously released versions).

    • See the KDS 4.12 Release Notes for more details.

  • This release expands the options available on the Android KDS Mode setting (used by KDS Android) - the flag is available in Connect at Vendors | Vendor Name | Kitchen.

    • This new value is QSRA Proxy Plus (OTG Only) - as the name indicates, it was developed exclusively for OTG. When configured, this setting:

      • Adjusts KDSX functionality to no longer fetch orders from Connect. Instead, KDSX will fetch orders from Check Sync (on the local network) and from the new Check Management service (that is currently available only for OTG and their mobile app, Flo Mobile).

      • Enabling the set expands the Login data provided by Connect to KDSX (to include the Check Management access and security details).

    • See the KDSX 5.14 Release Notes for more details.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed issues that were causing excess latency and timeout errors with Yellowdog integrations.

  • Fixed an issue that was causing incorrect data fields to be displayed on the FreedomPay Gateway


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue causing the Event Name filter in Analytics reporting to not load correctly

  • Fixed an issue causing the Method of Tender filter in Analytics reporting to not load correctly

  • Fixed an issue causing the Item Name filter in Analytics reporting to not correctly pass to exports when multiple items were selected

Interact Web (Mobile Ordering)

Feature updates:

  • Customizable Receipt SMS Text: The Receipt SMS text message guests receive after placing an order in Interact Web can now be customized using the 'SMS Receipt text' setting! (Vendor Role > Mobile Ordering Options > SMS Receipt text)



  • When using the Preorder Portal as a Suite Admin, Suite Accounts are sorted alphabetically, making it easier for admins to quickly find accounts without using the search option.

Bug Fixes:

  • Updated the Event Order Report & Suite Order Report to no longer include Cancelled orders.

  • Resolved an issue causing unusually long loading times after clicking an order on the Suite Orders page.

  • Fixed an issue that, in some cases, caused a "Loading..." glitch after clicking a Suite Order from the Suite Orders page, then clicking the browser Back button.

  • Fixed multiple formatting glitches throughout the Preorder Portal:

    • Login page > Forgot Password option alignment

    • Manage Credit Cards > 'X' button formatting

    • Standing Orders > 'X' button alignment & formatting

    • Credit Account > Balance value alignment

    • Account Settings > Field spacing

    • Account Settings > Cancel button formatting

    • Reorder button formatting

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