The Shift4 Updates team

Pre-Release Notes: ActivateX 16.5.0

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

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Target Release Date: 29 May 2023
Release Version: AX_16.5.0
Content: Check and Kitchen Management Improvements

KDSX - 5.12
Check Sync -
InteractX - 2.5
Connect - 12.4

The primary purpose of this release is to provide reliability improvements and bug fixes.

Feature updates:

  • Check Management

    • Checks Tip Flow Improvement

      • Previously when adding a tip to a check, a user may have mistakingly entered an amount and selected Finalize without selecting the green check mark. If this occurred, the tip was never applied, therefore causing lost tips and/or managers having to do added manual work in Tip Adjust.

      • Now, if an agent starts to enter a tip amount, the Finalize button will not be available to select until after the green check mark has been selected. This ensures that the agent captures the tip.

        Pre-Release Video (recorded on compact phone device):

  • Kitchen Management

    • Added support for the new Reset Order Data function (from KDS Android & Check Sync).

      • This feature was developed to help support and implementation staff in restoring the operation of a location by immediately removing all orders from all of the local apps (ActivateX, InteractX, KDS Android, and Check Sync). It is controlled by a new button on the Check Sync Server screen - see KDSX 5.12 Release notes for more information.

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