The Shift4 Updates team

Pre-Release Notes: ActivateX 16.2.0

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Target Release Date: 24 January 2023
Release Version: AX_16.2.0
Audience: Enterprise
Content: Advanced Refunding Controls, Discount Improvements, Bug Fixes

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Feature updates:

  • Discounts

    • For "Spend $X on Items, Receive $Y off transaction", we made a change to how we calculate $X. Up until now, the total qualifying amount for $X had to be from one specific item even when multiple categories or items configured as qualifying. Now, the total qualifying amount will be reached with any and all items that are configured as qualifying.

      • Example

  • Refunding

    • Terminals can be configured to not allow Non-Receipted Returns. Previously all terminals could access Receipted Returns (where the user locates the original order to process the refund) and Non-Receipted Returns (where the user selects items to refund without pulling up original order). Now, that can be configured so that Non-Receipted Returns will not be available at all.

      • Connect Flag

        • Terminal Roles > Checkout > Non-Receipted Refund = No

      • If you choose to leave this set to Yes, you can still lock it behind a manager PIN.

    • Terminals can be set up to force Receipted Returns to the original tender paid. When this is configured, if an order was paid for with a certain credit card, the refund will only be able to be applied to the same credit card, etc.

      • Connect Flags

        • Terminal Roles > Checkout > Restrict All Tenders During Refund

        • Terminal Roles > Manager Override > All Tenders Refund

      • Setup Options

  • Payments

    • Added PAX Elavon error handling for scenarios where a device has an open batch and a new TID is assigned within Asset Management.

Bug fixes:

  • Modifiers

    • Legacy modifiers are no longer duplicating on when being sent to Connect.

  • Check Management

    • Checks using quick checkout will auto-increment properly.

  • Mobile Display

    • Level 2 POS categories will display on smaller mobile devices.

  • Payments

    • Fixed a bug that caused the All Orders > Sync All Orders> Offline Order Sync summary to display multiple windows when tapping 'Sync All Orders' more than once.

    • Fixed a bug that generated an exception error within the UI when adding a tip at charge with the original card.

    • Addressed the challenge where card was required for refund of purchase after tip adjust timer ran out; card will no longer be required.

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