The Shift4 Updates team

KDSX 5.6.0

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Released On: 06/22/2022

Release Version: KDSX 5.6.0

Audience: Restaurant and Enterprise

Content: Android KDS UI updates, enhancements, and bug fixes

Need more information? Email The Support team is available 24/7/365.


Feature Update [New]: Dynamic Order Mode: Fire on the Fly

  • Vendor | Vendor Name | KDS | Dynamic Order Mode | Fire on the Fly

  • This release introduces a new Dynamic Order Mode called Fire on the Fly, available in Connect under Vendor > Kitchen. This feature allows restaurant operators to display items on kitchen displays as they are added to the cart. The feature benefits include:

    • Benefit: Increased Speed of Service

    • Benefit: Increased Customer Throughput

    • Benefit: Increased Revenue

Feature Update [New]: Telemetry Data

  • KDSX support capabilities have been improved with the addition of Telemetry data collection. This enhancement provides performance data to the Embrace telemetry portal to report on how the application is behaving on each device.

    • The development team receives daily updates from Embrace, showing how stable the application is across all available versions (from now on).

Feature Update [Enhancement]: KDSX UI Improvements

  • This version has improved the user interface of the KDS Android screen.

    • The layout of each order was adjusted to allow users to tap on the status change buttons more easily.

    • Font size was increased in the orders, showing more items.

    • Pagination was streamlined, using drag-and-drop gestures.

    • This release also includes additional settings that allow customers to have more control over the KDS display. Connect displays these additional flags in the Vendor > Kitchen area when UOP mode (Standard KDS) is in use:

    • Display Mode allows the customers to choose the appearance of the KDS.

      • Light (default)

      • Dark

    • Workflow allows the customers to define which states will be available in the KDS.

      • Pending / In Progress / Completed (default)

      • Pending / Completed

Enhancement: KDSX was enhanced to display orders in the Completed tab sequenced newest-to-oldest.

Enhancement: Orders in the Pending tab are still sequenced oldest-to-newest.

Enhancement: Users are now able to send diagnostics info from KDSX. The app submits a copy of the KDS database, device info and logs to our FTP when the user taps the Send Diagnostics button on the side menu.

Enhancement: The QSRA Proxy mode now supports Multi-Vendor accounts.

Bug Fix: The issue that caused current day orders to appear intermittently has been resolved.

Bug Fix: This release includes significant improvements to app stability and reliability. Multiple issues were resolved with these changes, including:

  • Login errors

  • Delays in showing orders

  • Crashes

  • App logging out unexpectedly

Bug Fix: KDSX once again shows items/modifiers as removed when the corresponding items are removed from the order in Activate X (and the order is Submitted again).

Bug Fix: This version resolves multiple issues with the QSRA Proxy interface:

  • All orders are consistently submitted to QSRA.

  • Updates to existing orders are now displayed correctly.

  • The flow to QSRA remains operational after refunds.

Bug Fix: Performance improvements have decreased lag time between Android KDS and ActivateX.

Bug Fix: Current orders once again appear correctly in the KDS screens. 

Bug Fix: This version prevents previously closed orders from briefly appearing and disappearing from the Android KDS terminal.

Bug Fix: Clients can now use the Dynamic Order Mode, Fire on Total, with table service features enabled.

Bug Fix: An issue that prevented kitchen chits from printing on printers setup as a subvendor has been resolved.

Known Issue: Cell Timer Warning and Critical Blink Intervals are not being respected

Known Issue: Orders sent from AX are not displayed in QSRA and KDS when KDS Mode is set to QSRA Proxy

Known Issue: The highlight frame of the Items Detail modal is in misalignment


  • KDS Android 5.6 requires ActivateX 15.11.1 and InteractX 1.22.

    • InteractX still has to be configured to use Connect Mode when used on a site with KDS Android.

  • Installing KDS Android is slightly different - users must get the corresponding Key APK from Appetize (available on demand). Both apps must be installed on each KDS device. 

  • Coursing is not yet supported in this release.

Required Settings:

  • KDS Android requires the use of Check Sync to receive orders from ActivateX and Connect.

    • Once Check Sync is installed, please take note of its IP. You can find that information in Check Sync by...

    • Starting Check Sync.

    • Tap Server (on the top left on the Server screen).

    • You will see an IP address at the top right corner of the screen - copy that IP address.

  • To use KDSX with ActivateX, users need to configure ActivateX to use CheckSync.

    • To configure ActivateX to use Check Sync…

    • Make sure that Check Sync is installed and available on your network.

    • Get the IP address of the Check Sync server.

    • Launch ActivateX.

    • Click on the Gear icon on the top left corner of the ActivateX Login screen.

    • Select Synchronization Config.

    • Enter the IP of the Check Sync server and tap Save - IP has to include ws:// and port :1235.

  • To use KDSX with ActivateX, users also need to configure ActivateX to use UOP.

    • To configure ActivateX to use Android KDS, log into Connect.

    • Go to Terminal Roles (General tab).

    • Set the Android KDS flag to Yes.

  • NEW - To use KDSX, users also need to configure the Vendors (and Subvendors) in Connect.

    • Log into Connect.

    • Go to Vendors (Kitchen tab).

    • Set the KDS Mode to…

      • Android KDS - for standard KDS functionality (screen and printers)

      • QSRA Proxy - to submit orders to QSR Automations KDS

      • Printer Proxy - to run a printer-only kitchen layout

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