The Shift4 Updates team

Invoice Customization (VT 6.0.0)

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Released On: July 28, 2022

Release Version: VT 6.0.0

Audience: Retail/Restaurants 

Client Facing: Yes

Hi All,

Invoice customization will allow clients to personalize invoices with their business logo and have more control over customer-facing data. Merchants can set defaults for creating a new invoice. The same defaults will be automatically applied to each invoice and save time. If needed, these defaults can be overridden on individual invoices at the time of invoice creation. 

Email and PDF invoice layouts are sleeker and have less gray scale making it easier for clients to print and enable cost savings. 

As part of this release clients can also manage their Email Invoicing Notifications. These default notifications are automatically sent to help keep track of invoice updates. 

To navigate to the Invoicing Defaults page, there are two ways. Please also refer to the screen shots 

  1. Go to Dashboard and click on “Account Setting” and then “Invoicing Defaults”

  2. Go to the Virtual Terminal Invoices page and click “...”  next to ‘Create Invoice’ button (on top right)

Invoicing Defaults page will allow clients to set the following attributes:

  • Invoice Branding 

    • Logo - can be uploaded, which will be automatically displayed on all new invoices 

    • Color - an option to choose different color, which will be applied to print margins and attached file names on PDF 

  • Invoice Template

    • Invoice Title - automatically displayed on all invoices

    • Message - Save standard message across all invoices

    • Terms & Conditions - specify whatever to be displayed across all invoices

  • Invoice Details

    • Present your business name under the logo - can be turned on/off

    • Show Prepared By - Coming soon

  • Item Details

    • Show SKU -  can be turned on/off

    • Show Description - can be turned on/off. Displays the item description on the invoice

  • Business Information (displayed in footer)

    • Show Email - can be turned on/off

    • Show Phone - can be turned on/off

  • Attachments - Add photos or documents that will be attached to each new invoice created. Defaults can be changed while editing the invoice. Attach up to 10 files totaling 10 MB.

  • Other Defaults

    • Send Invoice - can be set as 1 of the 4 choices available (Immediately, in 7 days, in 15 days, in 30 days)

    • Invoice Due - can be set as 1 of the 4 choices available (Upon Receipt, 7 days from the send date, 15 days from the send date, 30 days from the send date)

    • Request a shipping address - can be turned on/off. It will automatically display the same on each invoice created

  • Invoice Reminders - Activate payment reminders by default for new invoices. Once an invoice has been paid, reminders will no longer be sent


On Notifications Default page, Mobile Preview and Printed View feature is available as one set the defaults to confirm on the layout of the invoice being created. These views are dynamic (instant reflection of defaults).

Invoice Emails and PDF are now sleeker and align to the new styling and defaults set. A sample PDF/Email are shown below.



Invoicing Notifications page will allow clients to set various Email events. These will be automatically applied across all merchant’s customers. These can be turned on/off as needed. They are:

  • Sent: Get a copy of the invoice you sent

  • Viewed: Customer views an invoice

  • Updated: You updated an invoice

  • Overdue: Invoice is overdue

  • Canceled: Invoice was canceled

  • Reminder Sent: You sent a reminder

  • Paid: Invoice was paid by customer

And here is link to FAQ

Thank you

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