The Shift4 Updates team

InteractX 1.22.1

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Released On: 28 September 2022
Release Version: InteractX_1.22.1
Audience: Enterprise
Content: OCR with bug fixes

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This out of cycle release is for a specific feature set and client. If you believe you need the update, please reach out to your CSM.

Bug fixes:

  • Kiosk-to-Kiosk Order and Pay:

    • Orders placed on Order Kiosks successfully route to QSRA when configured with the correct Kitchen settings (available in Connect 11.16.0 or greater):

      • KDS Mode = "UOP"

      • Android KDS Mode = "QSRA Proxy"

      • Dynamic Order Mode = "Fire On Total"

    • Previously, you could recall one order on a Payment Kiosk but an error appeared when attempting to combine a second order. This has been fixed.

    • Employee User Name respects the correct configuration in Connect. It is consistent across the platform for an order (i.e. Previous Orders Screen, Receipts and Connect Orders).

  • Taxes are now applied correctly to ALL orders and not just the first one after the kiosk is initially logged in.

  • Kiosks that are closed by an Admin no longer re-open after a background refresh.

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