The Shift4 Updates team

GivexPOS Release Notes: March 5, 2025 - 25.0

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Released On: 05 March 2025

Release Version: 25.0

Release Type: General

Content: New features and bug fixes

Feature Updates: POS

  • NEW - POS Department Sales Report
    We have added a new POS report to help take a quick glance at reporting by department. When using the report, you can narrow down the department and operator(s) if needed to get an idea of sales for that area. This should be of use for larger businesses like hotels that may have many departments on site and want to get an idea of sales for a specific area.

    Figure 1.1 - Filter Option

    Figure 1.2 - POS Department Sales Report

  • NEW - PMS Bills Report
    We have added a new iteration of the Bills report specific to those who are using the POS with a Property Management System (PMS) integration. With the PMS Bills report, you will have all the features of the existing Bills report but in addition you will have a new parameter for a Reservation ID and bills will be grouped by the payment method.

  • NEW - Account Balance Report
    For those who use our Accounts module, we have added a new report to help provide a breakdown of the accounts on file, any balances and when they last settled. This report will be available via GivexPOS → Reports along with the other core reports.

    Figure 2.1 - Account Balance Report

  • NEW - Update to 1-Bill Receipts to note number of seats with 'All'
    We have made a minor change to Dine-In customer receipts so that if a table decides to pay for their order on a single bill, where the seat number is noted as 'All' we have also included the number of seats at the table.

    Figure 3.1 - Updated bill example

Feature Updates: Online Ordering

  • NEW - Payment in Multiple Currencies
    If you use your app in a tourist area or near a border, you will now be able to present your pricing in different currencies! If you are already using multiple currencies on your POS, no action will need to be taken save for a front end change to accommodate the multiple currency option. If you do not have any exchange rates set up you will need to do so before applying to your site. If there are any questions about this feature, speak to your Implementation Specialist for more details.

    Figure 4.1/2 - New currency icon + drop down box of options

  • NEW - Update to Google Tags
    Google made some changes on their end with how their tags need to be applied and we have made the necessary changes on our end so that you can continue to use Google tags for event tracking.

Feature Updates: Integrations

  • NEW - UberDirect - Orders will automatically be cancelled if a Driver cannot be assigned to the order
    If you are using Uber to handle delivery orders for your Online Ordering site/app, we have added a new feature that will cancel orders automatically if a driver cannot be found after a preset amount of time.

    Note - for this to work you will need to have set a time for how long an order can stay without having a driver assigned. In addition, this will only apply to orders that are unproduced so if you use this you may want to adjust your duration setting accordingly to make sure orders aren't autoproducing right away. If there are any questions about this feature, speak to your Implementation Specialist for more details.

Bug Fixes: POS

  • Inconsistent Net Sales totals on the Transaction Analysis report
    There was an edge case found where if two people were editing the same order with the same operator on two different tablets that if one tablet cancels the order while the other tablet has the order on the payment overview screen that the bill would end up getting closed and affect the net sales totals. This has been fixed.

  • Payment of bill being reported twice in Transaction Analysis
    There was another edge case where if a customer's order was billed, this bill was removed then the table was transferred to a different operator who then moved the order to a different table that the order would get recorded twice. This has been fixed.

  • Donation round up total not accurate when switching from Cash payment to Credit/Debit
    It was found that if you were using the round up functionality and rounding cash payments and switched from the default cash payment method to a credit/debit option that the amount rounded would remain based off the cash total which factors in cash rounding. This has been fixed.

  • Order Type Displaying on receipt when refund is issued
    There was an issue found where the order type would display on a customer receipt when performing a refund. This has been fixed.

  • Transaction Analysis report failing if online order settings not set
    It was found that if online ordering was enabled but the settings were not configured that this would lead to a crash in the Transaction Analysis report for the store. This has been fixed.

  • POS able to complete Receiving Order tied to inactive Purchase Order
    There was an issue found where if you created a Purchase Order and left it active for at least one sync that you would still be able to complete the Receiving Order even if the Purchase Order had been deactivated. This has been fixed.

  • Not able to add account to seat that has multiple large orders associated to it
    There was an issue found where attempts to assign an account to a seat would time out if the account had several large orders associated to it. This has been fixed.

  • First Kiosk order of the day not getting sent to KDS
    There was an issue found where the first kiosk order of the day would not get sent to the KDS. This has been fixed.

  • Crash in Coupon registration
    There was an issue found generating dynamic or static coupons that would lead to a crash on the POS when they try to generate. This has been fixed.

  • GL Report failing when multiple tax rates for the same tax used in the same day
    During the GST tax holiday in Canada, it was found that the GL report would fail if the store processed orders while the tax rate had a value and when it was reduced to zero in the same day. This has been fixed.

  • Tax discrepancy between Cash Out reports on POS and Portal
    There was an issue found where the tax total between the Cash out report on the POS and Portal was not consistent. This was due to the POS report factoring in abandoned orders into the tax total and has been fixed.

Bug Fixes: Online Ordering

  • Customer's not able to place order if they reside in a different province
    There was an issue affecting locations near provincial borders that would prevent people from placing an order if their address from another province. This has been fixed.

Bug Fixes: Integrations

  • Opera - Names with apostrophes causing crash
    There was an issue found with the Opera integration where if the customer had an apostrophe in their name, ex O'Connell, that the attempt to post the order to Opera would fail. This has been fixed.

  • Uber - Delay in processing order leading to duplicate orders in some instances
    It was found that in some instances that if our attempt to process an order took too long that Uber would re-send the order and this could lead to the order duplicating. We have lined up our time out times with Uber to prevent this issue from reoccurring.

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