The Shift4 Updates team

Connect 12.2 Hot Fix 2 Known Issues/Work Arounds

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Impacted Fix Version: Connect 12.2_HF2

Date Released: 24 March 2023

Impacted Clients: Clients using Inventory Transfers in Connect


There are two known issues with doing a ‘plan a transfer’ when using ‘complete’ as the transfer method. 

  • If you do not have any event created, when you “PLAN A TRANSFER”, transfers will not appear in the event standsheet. Live inventory is updated correctly in this scenario, and transfers are showing as completed.

    • How to prevent this issue until a Connect fix is released: Create events first, then in the event 'created' status, you can create a 'Pending' transfer in the 'Plan a Transfer' flow or a quick transfer.

  • When an event is in 'Created' status, if you create a 'Complete' transfer in the 'Plan a Transfer' flow, those transfers will not display in the event standsheets. Live inventory is updated correctly in this scenario, and transfers are showing as completed.

    • How to prevent this issue until a Connect fix is released: Use “pending” status in the “Plan a transfer” flow

  • If you created your ‘Complete’ transfer before creating an event or when an event is in 'created' status, you can do one of the following:

    • Contact your CSM and support for assistance updating your standsheets with the transfers that are not posted to your standsheet. Please be ready with your transfer name and ID, event name and ID, and vendor name and ID.

    • Or, you can choose to do a manual workaround as follows:

      • Navigate to the transfer that is not showing up in the standsheet

      • Print out the PDF of that transfer for your records and as a reference

      • Navigate to the event - standsheet for that vendor

      • In the vendor standsheet, input the transfer values in the ‘Act Count In’ column for each item

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