The Shift4 Updates team

Connect 11.13

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Released On: 6.14.2022
Release Version: 11.13.115
Audience: Enterprise
Client Facing: Yes
Content: New Branding, Suites enhancements, bug fixes

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Feature Update [Enhancement]: SpotOn branding has been implemented throughout the Connect platform.

  • Connect & Connect Enterprise login & reset password pages

  • Connect Enterprise header menu

  • Receipt emails

  • Connect & Connect Enterprise page titles & favicons

    • Note: Certain page titles (displayed on browser tabs) will be updated in the CON 11.14 release

Feature Update [Enhancement]: Upgraded to newer versions of 2 development packages (redux & yo), reducing technical security risk.

Bug Fix: Commission Report and Transaction Summary Report now show the commission due and rate of the assigned hawker.

Bug Fix: Connect Order Details now shows Tax on Custom Fees correctly.

Bug Fix: Connect no longer removes Vendors assignments for Discounts when filtering on the Add Vendor modal.

Bug Fix: Connect shows matching Cash Room and Standsheet figures.


Feature Update [Enhancement]: SpotOn branding has been implemented throughout the Preorder Portal

  • Preorder Portal login page

  • Preorder Portal primary page header

  • Preorder Portal page titles & favicon

    • Note: Certain page titles (displayed on browser tabs) will be updated in the CON 11.14 release

Feature Update [Enhancement]: Delete credit card error message improvements

  • When a user attempts to delete a credit card that is associated with 1+ outstanding orders, an error message is displayed including the order numbers of all outstanding orders linked to that card

Feature Update [Enhancement]: Bulk preauthorization error message improvements

  • When an Admin attempts to preauthorize multiple preorders at once (Bulk Actions > Preauthorize), preauthorization for some preorders may succeed while others fail due to either an expired credit card or event date restrictions - the error message displayed to admins when this happens now indicates which preorders were successfully preauthorized, which failed, and why

Feature Update [Enhancement]: User-Defined Options added to Analytics Suite Order report

  • User-Defined Options (AKA “Special Instructions”) values are now included in all export formats for the Analytics Suite Order report (PDF, CSV, and XLSX)

Bug Fix: An issue that caused the Analytics Suite Order report to erroneously show “no orders found” has been resolved

Bug Fix: Data included in the Analytics Suite Order report is now consistent across all export formats (PDF, CSV, and XLSV)

Bug Fix: Changes made to Suite Menu ‘User Defined Options’ settings are now saved properly

Bug Fix: An issue that occasionally caused an order Tip Amount to be displayed incorrectly as $0.00 has been resolved

Bug Fix: Guests will now be able to successfully update a Preorder when the price of an item previously added to that Preorder is changed in Connect

Bug Fix: When creating a new Suites Menu, the “Event Type” dropdown list now only includes event types that have Suites enabled

Bug Fix: Terminal Accounts are no longer included in the Suite Attendant dropdown list (Employee Accounts only)

Bug Fix: An issue that occasionally prevented items from being removed from a Preorder has been resolved


Feature Update [Enhancement]: Operator List Report Enhancements

  • The Operator List report (Connect > Accounts > Reports > Operator List) has had some UI updates including new page, filters, and PDF export. Many more enhancements are coming to this report

Feature Update [Enhancement]: Venue Dashboard Updates

  • The top items chart now has an option to toggle between top items by quantity sold or dollar amount

Bug Fix: The Analytics True Up Count report 'True Up Name' filter now correctly populates


Feature Update [Enhancement]: Discounts

  • Integration type “External Entitlements Redemption” has been renamed to “External Discounts” in Connect for consistency with marketing and on-theme park customers.

Feature Update [Enhancement]: Campus

  • For Atrium/CBORD payments, Connect Order Details will now also display the sub-PaymentType credit/debit. This will also be available in Connect reporting.

  • Added field  input validation for Trove Meal Periods configuration in Connect, including messaging when an invalid character is entered.

  • When Atrium is used to pay for an order, Connect stores the specific Atrium plan/tender used in lieu of the payment-tender type.

Feature Update [Enhancement]: Online Ordering

  • The order details in Connect for Online Ordering (OLO) orders, will display the appropriate subtypes of the payment method used: credit, gift card or custom tender.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with the cash out transaction is declined when ‘Rounding' is on in AX and the givex card balance has decimals.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue with Glory Cash imports. The records in the glory import file will process and the "amount" from the file will be displayed under the "total drops" in the Connect UI. The Glory Cash logs tab will now display relevant logs including any errors encountered during the import process. Also, fixed the issue where Connect allows users to see the logs of other venues for Glory Cash when the user uploads Glory Cash FTP files.

Bug Fix: Addressed issue with orders processed through AX containing a discount showing wrong subtotal.

Bug Fix: Fixed issue so orders that are partially refunded from Connect will display a status of ‘Partial_refund’ in order details.

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