The Shift4 Updates team

Connect 11.11

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

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  • Added a new value to the Dynamic Order Mode flag on the Kitchen tab of the Vendor module in Connect so that a brand can define when order updates should go to the kitchen.

    • The flag is called Dynamic Order Mode, and the options available in it depend on the KDS Mode.

      • In most KDS Modes, these options will be available:

        • Fire on payment

        • Fire on total

        • Fire on next

        • Fire on the fly (new)

      • Fire on the fly will not be available in Connect and QSRA Integration modes.

    • This new setting will be supported in the upcoming KDSX 5.7 release.

  • Added a new flag to control how discounts will impact Modifiers. With this flag, a discount can easily apply to all modifiers under the item/category match (without having to seat each impacted modifier as Assigned).

    • This new flag is called Cascade Discount to All Modifiers, and it is located in the Discount Rules tab (inside the Discounts module). It has the following values:

  • Yes (default)

  • No

  • Flag will only be available for Standard Discounts

  • This new setting will be supported in the upcoming AX 15.9 release.

  • True Up Beta now includes…

    • Reliable tracking of created dates for all items.

    • Robust logging. 


  • The Distribution Report now includes a new option, called Template Type

    • Group by category first - report is grouped by Category Groups first, then by Suites

      • This option also includes page break, show order notes, and sort by filters

    • Group by suite first - report is grouped by Suites first, then Categories groups

      • This option also includes page break, show order notes, and sort by filters

    • Use item totals - report is displayed with items with total quantities grouped by modifiers

      • In this option the filters are not available.

    • All options include support for Download.

  • Suites admins now have the ability to resend the Forgot Password link to guests. This option is available through the Forgot Password button, under Suites > Suite Accounts > Users.

  • The PreOrder Portal now displays an error message when a guest attempts to checkout their PreOrder with an expired card. The user is forced to select another form of payment.


  • Dashboard

    • [Quantity] and [Total Tax] columns have been added to the Venue Dashboard, ‘Category Breakdown’ section.

  • Analytics

    • The Sales by Hour, All Orders, Discounts, and Refunds report have had minor adjustments made to make the report load faster.

    • The Kitchen Production report can now be downloaded into a PDF format for multiple events. 


  • Connect now shows refunds accurately.

  • Current Stock/New stock are once again correct when the transfer unit is changed or updated.

  • Users are able to login using SSO methods with accounts set to Enterprise Level: Venue.

  • Par-Level Restocks are functioning correctly.

  • Users are able to assign/un-assign modifiers from items even when their assigned vendors are no longer available.

  • Beverage Inventory Report (Suites) once again shows the Item Names.

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