The Shift4 Updates team

Appetize Release Notes: KDSiOS 4.13

AUTHOR: The Shift4 Updates team

Released On: 03 December, 2023

Release Version: KDSiOS 4.13

Release Type: General

Content: Bug Fixes and Feature Updates


ActivateX - 16.7.1 (or newer)

InteractX - 2.7.0 (or newer)

Connect - 12.15 (or newer)

IMPORTANT: Unlike most KDS iOS releases, this version is only designed to work with the versions listed above (or newer builds). Previous releases (before the ones listed above) will likely present functionality gaps when used with KDS and, thus, should not used with this release.

This version only supports Connect Mode and Local Mode.

Feature updates:

  • KDS station name setting in the terminal accounts are now displayed on the KDS terminal and on the printed chits.

  • KDS chit and display shows vendor name on all chits for greater visibility into the origin of the order

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where additional items added to combined checks do not auto-print on Subvendor KDS in both Connect Mode and Local Mode

  • Fixed an issue where the kitchen chit incorrectly printed items and seat numbers in scenarios where print courses in enabled

  • Fixed an issue where in certain scenarios kitchen printer failed to auto print on iOS version 16.4.1

  • Fixed an issue where a mobile order ahead did not fire to the kitchen at the end of its preparation timer

  • Fixed an issue where the Order status was failing to respect the auto completion timer setup in Connect.

For questions or assistance, contact Appetize Support at 877.559.4225, email, or reach out to your Account Manager/Customer Success Manager.

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